Marcello Malpighi's tomb

The body of Marcello Malpighi is buried in the church of the Santi Gregorio e Siro, via Montegrappa, in Bologna, where nowadays can be seen a marble monument to the scientist with an inscription in latin remembering - among other things - his "SUMMUM INGENIUM / INTEGERRIMAM VITAM / FORTEM STRENUAMQUE MENTEM / AUDACEM SALUTARIS ARTIS AMOREM" (great genius, honest life, strong and tough mind, daring love for the medical art).

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (october 2007)


- Roberto F Nicosia, "Marcello Malpighi's failing health, death, and the remarkable story of his mortal remains", Journal of Medical Biography, 2025, 1-3, DOI: 10.1177/09677720241307612

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