Maria Bertilla Boscardin, also known as Anna Francesca, was born on October 6, 1888, in Brendola (Via di Santa Bertilla, 71), from a family of farmers. She lived in this house until the age of 16, when she decided to take her vows. This decision arose from the need to live in an environment of peace and rest peacefully in God's grace. During her childhood she missed this serenity because of her family situation, the quarrels between her parents and especially the father, who had violent attitudes especially with her mother. The young Anna Francesca then felt the desire to heal these wounds with sacrifice, commitment and dedication to others, in the name of God.
Today this place can be visited and is located next to the center for elderly called “Centro anziani Santa Maria Bertilla.”
- Photos and main text by Alessia Bellotto moc.liamg|85.ottolleb.aissela#| and Valentina Blasi moc.liamg|79.isalb.v#| (January 2017)
- Locate the item on this Google Map
Related items:
- Maria Bertilla Boscardin's objects
- Maria Bertilla Boscardin's photos
- Maria Bertilla Boscardin's portrait (2)
- Maria Bertilla Boscardin's prayer place
- Maria Bertilla Boscardin's statue
- Emidio Federici, Santa Maria Bertilla Boscardin, M. Pisani, Isola del Liri 1960, pp. 16-17