Martino Marinosci's home

Palace Marinosci is placed in Martina Franca (Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 10). It was built by Semeraro-Montemurro's family in 1744, but it is called Palazzo Marinosci because it was inhabited by Martino Marinosci, an important local physician and botanist, from 1844 to his death.


On the right of the main door there is a memorial tablet, which was placed on October 1928. The long Italian inscription reads as follows: "GHIRLANDATA DI GLORIA E' QUESTA CASA / QUI VISSE E MORI' / MARTINO MARINOSCI / SCIENZIATO CHE TUTTO SEPPE / MEDICINA TEOLOGIA STORIA BOTANICA LEGGE / VENUTO DI POPOLO EI SI NOMO' / BOTANICO / DETTO' IL CATECHISMO AGRARIO NUOVI POSTULATI ANTIVEGGENDO / FIDO' TANTA PARTE DI SUA FAMA ALLA FLORA SALENTINA / PAGINE CHE IN VENUSTA' VIRGILIANA / RIVELANO IL GRANDE NATURALISTA / NELL'ANNO 1827 EBBE CATTEDRA DI FILOSOFIA E DI MEDICINA / SU DI ESSA FU SALUTATO MAESTRO / CLINICO INSIGNE DETTO' I VOLUMI / DELLA CASUISTICA CLINICA E CLINICA CONSULTIVA / OVUNQUE INVOCATO PORTO' SAPIENZA MEDICA / CUORE DEI CUORI VI UNI' AMORE UMANO / CITTADINO / GANZO' LE CONGIURE E TRAVIAMENTI DELLE FOLLE / ODIO' SERVI APOSTATI E DEMAGOGHI / AMO' L'ITALIA E NE AUSPICO' SUPERBE LE SORTI / PATI' DOLORI VINTI DALLA BONTA' DEL PIANTO / ADDI' II NOVEMBRE 1866 MORI' OTTANTENNE / NELLA STORIA IL NOME / DAL POPOLO L'ELEGIA GLORIALE / DALLA PATRIA MEMORE QUESTO MARMO / OTTOBRE 1928 - ANNO VI". ("This home is glory adorned / Here lived and passed away / Martino Marinosci / scientist who knew everything / Medicine Theology History Botanic Law / He came from the people and he appointed himself / as botanist / He stated new postulates to the agrarian catechism foreseeing / Much of his fame is due to "Flora Salentina" / whose pages with Virgilian perfection / reveal the great naturalist / In 1827 he got the chair of Philosophy and Medicine / there he was greeted as Professor / As a great clinician he stated the volumes / of clinical records and of advisory clinic / He brought medical wisdom wherever he was invoked / Heart of hearts he joined human and patriotic love / He shared crowd's cospiracies and torments / He hated apostate servant and demagogues / He loved Italy and hoped for its magnificent destiny / He was sensitive to pains which where won by the kindness of tears / He died on the 2 November 1866 at his eighties / In the history the name / the glorious elegy from the people / from the matherland this marble in memory / October 1928 / VI Year").

  • Photos and main text by Laura Buccolieri ti.orebil|ireiloccub.arual#| and Maria Valeria Giaccari moc.liamg|iraccaigairelav.m#| (January 2017)


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