Medical and nursing instruments
This page lists items in the database related to historical medical and nursing instruments for diagnosis, therapy and healthcare:
- 1958 Heart-Lung Machine in The Science and Art of Medicine gallery of the Science Museum, London
- Alexander Fleming’s first microscope in the Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum, St Mary's Hospital, London
- Almroth Wright's field microscope in the Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum, St Mary's Hospital, London
- Almroth Wright's opsonisation bath in the Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum, St Mary's Hospital, London
- Alphonse Laveran's microscope and surgical instruments in the Musée du Service de Santé des Armées, Paris
- Alvis Motor Company iron lung in the Science Museum, London
- Ancient Mortars in the Antica Farmacia Pesci, Rome
- Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieri's surgical instruments in the Casa-Museo Vaccà Berlinghieri in Montefoscoli
- An x-ray room in the 1930s in the Glimpses of Medical History gallery, Science Museum, London
- Appliances for Thalidomide victims in The Science and Art of Medicine gallery of the Science Museum, London
- Bovie CSV electrosurgical unit in Paul S. Russell, MD Museum of Medical History and Innovation, in Boston
- Chest Drainage in the First Army Florence Nightingale Museum, inside the Selimiye Barracks, Istanbul
- Chinese diagnostic dolls in the Medicine Man exhibition gallery in The Wellcome Building, London
- Chronophotography's section in the Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Turin
- Davis Kidder's patent magneto electric machine for nervous disease in Paul S. Russell, MD Museum of Medical History and Innovation, in Boston
- Desormeaux's endoscope in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine of the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Dr Bruce's Electrotherapy Room in 1905 in the Glimpses of Medical History gallery, Science Museum, London
- Dr. Charles Gordon's surgeon's kit in Paul S. Russell, MD museum of medical history and innovation, in Boston
- Early ECG recorder in The Science and Art of Medicine gallery in the Science Museum, London
- Einthoven galvanometer in the Charité, Berlin
- Emerson Respirator or Iron lung, in the International Museum of Surgical Science, Chicago
- Étienne-Jules Marey's instruments and memories in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine of the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Fabrizi da Acquapendente's Oplomochlion (reconstruction) in the Museo di Storia della Medicina, Rome
- Francesco Rizzoli's osteoclast in the Scuola Grande di San Marco and Ospedale Civile SS. Giovanni e Paolo’s historical collection in Venice
- Hand prosthesis after Ambroise Paré (reconstruction) in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine of the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Inductors with Grenet battery for electrotherapy in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine of the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Japanese Acupuncture figure in the Medicine Man exhibition gallery in The Wellcome Building, London
- Larrey's 'flying ambulance' (model) in the Musée du Service de Santé des Armées at the Hôpital d'instruction des armées du Val-de-Grâce, Paris
- Late 19th century Crookes Tube in The Science and Art of Medicine gallery of the Science Museum, London
- Lucas-Championnière-type antiseptic steam sprayer in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine of the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Marey tambour in the Charité, Berlin
- Menecrates of Tralles' medical instruments in the National Archaeological Museum of Volcei in Buccino
- Nicola Pende's medical instruments in the reconstruction of Nicola Pende's consulting room, Noicattaro
- Obstetrical forceps (c. 1726) in the Medicine Man section of the The Wellcome Building, London
- old Acupuncture models in the Acupuncture Museum of the Institute of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, of CACMS (China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences), Beijing
- Operating table of the Evelina Hospital for Children in St. Thomas' Hospital's old Herb Garret, London
- Prototype kidney dialyser in the Science Museum, London
- René Laennec's original stethoscopes in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine of the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Salvatore Calabrese's medical and surgical instruments in the Associazione "Salvatore Calabrese", Campi Salentina (Le)
- Showcase of surgical instruments founded in the The Surgeon's home of Pompei and conserved in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale of Naples.
- Spoons for hysterical women in the Scuola Grande di San Marco and Ospedale Civile SS. Giovanni e Paolo’s historical collection in Venice
- Stéphane Tarnier's monument (with his incubator) in Paris
- Tambour Sphygmograph in The Science and Art of Medicine gallery of the Science Museum, London
- William Thomson's lantern for the Detection of Color Blindness in the College of Physicians, Philadelphia