The main building of the University of Vienna (Universitätsring, 1) - especially its arcaded courtyard - contains a great number of monuments, busts, bas-reliefs… of its most notable people and professors. Many of them belonged to the local medical school.
Also the external decoration of the building presents the monuments or the names of people who were relevant for the history of medicine and related sciences, such as Hippocrates (statue, left), Claudius Galen (statue, right), Averroes (medallion, left), Avicenna (medallion, right), Leopold Auenbrugger (inscription, left) and William Harvey (inscription, right).
And Erasistratus (statue, left), Herophilos (statue, right), Heliodorus (medallion, right), Aretaeus of Cappadocia (medallion, left) and Marcello Malpighi (inscription, center).
- Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (August 2016), courtesy of Julia Rüdiger
- Locate the item on this Google Map
Related items:
- Adalbert Duchek's bust
- Ádám Politzer's bust
- Anton Eiselsberg's bas-relief
- Carl Braun's bas-relief
- Carl Ferdinand von Arlt's bas-relief
- Carl von Rokitansky's marble bust
- Christian Doppler's bust
- Clemens Pirquet von Cesenatico's bust
- Constantin von Economo's bust
- Eduard Jäger von Jaxtthal's bas-relief
- Eduard von Hofmann's bas-relief
- Emil Zuckerkandl's monument
- Ernst Fuchs' bas-relief
- Ernst Ludwig's medallion
- Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke's monument
- Erwin Schrodinger's bust
- Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra's bust
- Franz Schuh's bust
- Hans Horst Meyer's bust
- Heinrich Obersteiner's bust
- Hermann Nothnagel's monument
- Ignaz Semmelweis' bas-relief
- Johann Radon's bust
- Johann von Dumreicher's bas-relief
- Johann von Oppolzer's monument
- Joseph Hyrtl's bust
- Joseph Škoda's bust
- Joseph von Quarin's bust
- Julius Wagner-Jauregg's bust
- Karl Landsteiner's medallion
- Karl Langer's monument
- Leopold Schrötter von Kristelli's medallion
- Ludwig Mauthner's bust
- Moritz Kaposi's bust
- Otto Kahler's bust
- Richard von Krafft-Ebing's bust
- Sigmund Freud's bust
- Theodor Billroth's monument
- Theodor Meynert's bust
- Vienna medical school roll of honour
- Julia Rüdiger, Dieter Schweizer (eds.), Sites of Knowledge. The University of Vienna and its Buildings. A History 1365 – 2015, Böhlau, Wien 2015, pp. 382