Medicinsk Museion

The Medicinsk Museion (Medical Museum) is a combined museum and research unit of the University of Copenhagen (Bredgade 62). The museum was founded on a private initiative in 1907 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Danish Medical Association with a public exhibition of historical medical artefacts. It remained a public museum until 1918, when it was taken over by the University.
of medical artefacts in Europe. The collections contain 150,000 — 250,000 artefacts, depending on what counts as a individual artefact". It also have a large image collection, a document archive, and a historical book collection1.


The museum is placed in the former Royal Academy of Surgeons, founded in 1787, and contains "one of the biggest and richest historical collections

The Auditorium, still visibile inside the building designed by Peter Meyn, was the architectural heart of the Royal Academy of Surgeons. Generations of surgical and medical students have been taught here since its inauguration in 1787 up until 1942. The first professors of the Academy still surveil the room from the niches in the back wall2.

  • Some items inside the Museum

Some photos that show the first hospital in Copenaghen


Late 19th Century Gynaecological Chair from Rudolph Berg private clinic in Copenhagen


Skull of a syphilitic patient with mercury-based medicament


A cage-bed and a restraint-armchair for the mentally ill


A 20th Century apparatus for surgical anesthesia


More informations on the Medical Museion's official website.

  • Photos and main text by Maria Grazia Cozzupoli (March 2014) and Ilaria Randazzo moc.liamg|ri.ozzadnarairali#| (January 2017) (except 1-2 from Google Street View)

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