This page lists items in the database related to monuments such as statues, memorial tablets, etc (NOT tombs, funereal monuments, etc.):
- 20th Congress of "Società Italiana di Psichiatria" memorial tablet (1933) in the Old "Villaggio manicomiale di San Niccolò", Siena
- 5th Congress of 'Società Freniatrica Italiana' memorial tablet (1886) in the Old "Villaggio manicomiale di San Niccolò", Siena
- Abel Salazar's bust in Guimarães
- Abel Salazar's monument in Porto
- Achille Louste's bas-relief in the Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris
- Adalbert Duchek's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Adalberto Pazzini's bronze bust in Rome
- Adam Politzer's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Adolf von Bardeleben bust in Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin
- Adolphe-Marie Gubler's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Afonso Cordeiro's bust in Matosinhos
- Agostina Pietrantoni's memorial tablet in Rome
- Agostina Pietrantoni's murder memorial tablet in Rome
- Agostino Bertani's bust in the Museo Centrale del Risorgimento, Rome
- Aimé Guinard's monument in the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris
- Albert Calmette's bust in the Musée du Service de Santé des Armées, Paris
- Albert Mooren memorial fountain in Düsseldorf
- Albert Mooren memorial plaque in Düsseldorf
- Albert Neisser's bust in the Muzeum Kupiectwa (Museum of Mercantilism), Świdnica
- Albert Neisser's bust (2) in the Town Hall of Wrocław
- Alberto Cruz's bust in Braga
- Alberto Missiroli's memorial tablet in Cervia
- Albrecht Thaer's monument in Berlin
- Albrecht von Graefe monument in Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin
- Alcide Jentzer's monument in Geneva
- Aldo Castellani's memorial tablet in the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Lisbon
- Aldo Turchetti's bust in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Aldobrandino Mochi's monument in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology, Florence
- Aleksandr Vassilievich Vishnevsky’s bust in Kazan
- Alessandro Codivilla's memorial tablet in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Alessandro Codivilla's monument in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Alessandro Guicciardini's monument in the Archiginnasio Palace of Bologna
- Alessandro Riberi's Bust in the Accademia di Medicina di Torino, Turin
- Alessandro Riberi’s bust (II) in the former Military Hospital in Turin
- Alessandro Riberi's monument among the Medical Monuments in the University of Turin Central Building in Turin
- Alessandro Ricchi's memorial tablet in Cagliari
- Alessandro Volta's monument in Como
- Alexander Fleming and Albert Sabin's plate in Florence
- Alexander Fleming memorial in the Reial Academia de Medicina de Catalunya, Barcelona
- Alexander Fleming memorial tablet in the Istituto Nazionale Malattie Infettive - ospedale spallanzani, Rome
- Alexander Fleming's bas-relief in St Mary's Hospital, London
- Alexander Fleming's bust in the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome
- Alexander Fleming's monument in Rio de Janeiro
- Alexander Fleming's stained glass window in London
- Alexander von Humboldt's monument in Berlin
- Alexandre Yersin's medallion in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Alexei Ivanovich Abrikosov's bust in Moscow
- Alfonso Corti's commemorative plaque in Gambarana
- Alfonso Corti's monument in Pavia
- Alfred Nobel's bust, inside Villa Nobel, Sanremo
- Alfred Nobel's monument in the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
- Alfred Vulpian's monument in Paris
- Alphonse Laveran's bust in the Musée du Service de Santé des Armées, Paris
- Alphonse Laveran's medallion in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Ambrogio Bertrandi's bust among the Medical Monuments in the University of Turin Central Building in Turin
- Ambrogio Cuneo's bust in the old Civic Hospital of Rapallo
- Ambroise Paré's bust in the Musée du Service de Santé des Armées, Hôpital d'instruction des armées du Val-de-Grâce, Paris
- Ambroise Paré' s bust (2) in the Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris
- Amedeo Avogadro's bust in Vercelli
- Anatomy lesson bas-relief in The Monumental Complex of Santo Spirito in Saxia, Rome
- André Chantemesse's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- André-Marie Ampère's bas-relief in the École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles, Paris
- Andrea Cesalpino's bas-relief in the Museo Galileo, Florence
- Andrea Cesalpino's statue in Florence
- Andrea Vaccà-Berlinghieri's bas-relief in the Old "Ospedale Maggiore", Vercelli
- Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieri's bust in the Casa-Museo Vaccà Berlinghieri, Montefoscoli
- Andrea Vaccà-Berlinghieri's monument in Pisa
- Andrea Verga's bust in the Padiglione Ponti of the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan
- Andrea Verga's monument in Milan
- Andreas Anagnostakis' bust in The Eye Clinic of Athens
- Andreas Vesalius' bronze bust in the Museum of Basel
- Andreas Vesalius monument in Brussels
- Angelo Celli's bust in the Istituto di Igiene G. Sanarelli, in Rome
- Angelo Michele Sacchi's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Angelo Roth's bust in Sassari
- Angizia's statue in Museo Paludi in Celano
- 'Animals transmitting diseases' decoration in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London
- Anna Morandi Manzolini's wax self-portrait in Bologna
- Anne Cole's memorial tablet in St Luke's Chapel of King's College Hospital, London
- Annunziato and Giovenale Polidori's monument in Frosinone and its Province
- Antimalarial action memorial tablet in Rome
- Antoine Depage's bust in the Hôpital Saint-Pierre, Brussels
- Antoine-Joseph Jobert de Lamballe's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Antoine Lavoisier's bas-relief in the École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles, Paris
- Antoine Lavoisier's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Antoine Lavoiser's bust in the lecture hall of the Istituto Chimico Giacomo Ciamician, Bologna
- Anton Eiselsberg's bas-relief among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Antoni Cieszynski's monument in Oleśnica
- Antonino Sciascia's bust in the Museo della Radiologia, Palermo
- Antonino Sciascia's monument in Canicattì
- Antonio Bertoloni's monument in Palazzo Poggi, central building of the University of Bologna
- Antonio Biagi's memorial plaque in The Monumental Complex of Santo Spirito in Saxia, Rome
- Antonio Cardarelli's bust in Naples
- Antonio Cardarelli's commemorative plaque in Civitanova del Sannio
- Antonio Cardarelli's memorial tablet in Civitanova del Sannio
- Antonio Cardarelli's monument in Civitanova del Sannio
- Antonio Carle's bust in the Accademia di Medicina di Torino, Turin
- Antonio Conti's monument in the Civitanova del Sannio
- Antonio Cucchi's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Antonio De Ferrariis' bust in Galatone
- Antonio De Ferrariis' commemorative plaque in Galatone
- António Egas Moniz's monument in Lisbon
- Antonio Egas Moniz's statue in Avanca
- Antonio Maria Valsalva's bas-relief medallion in the Old "Manicomio Provinciale Santa Maria della Pietà", Rome
- Antonio Maria Valsalva's bas-relief medallion (2) in the Municipal Library of Imola
- Antonio Maria Valsalva's memorial tablet in the Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna
- Antonio Maria Valsalva's monument in the Palazzo dell'Archiginnasio, Bologna
- Antonio Pacchioni's bust in The Monumental Complex of Santo Spirito in Saxia, Rome
- Antonio Parrozzani's memorial tablet in the San Giovanni Evangelista's hospital,Tivoli
- Antonio Pensa's monument in the Aula Scarpa (old anatomical theatre), Pavia
- Antonio Pereira Coutinho's bust in Cascais
- Antonio Quaglino's monument in Pavia
- Antonio Scarpa's bust in Modena
- Antonio Scarpa's bust and memorial tablet in the Museo per la Storia dell'Università di Pavia, Pavia
- Antonio Scarpa's monument in the Aula Scarpa (old anatomical theatre), Pavia
- Antonio Scarpa's plaster bust in the Museo per la Storia dell'Università di Pavia, Pavia
- Antonio Vallisneri's bas-relief in the Old "Ospedale Maggiore", Vercelli
- Apollonios of Kition's bust in Larnaca
- Aretaeus of Cappadocia's bas-relief in the Old "Ospedale Maggiore" in Vercelli
- Armand Trousseau's bust in the Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris
- Arnaldo Cantani's bust in the Poggioreale Cemetery of Naples
- Arnaldo Trambusti's memorial tablet in the Istituto di Patologia Generale in Palermo
- Arthur Conan Doyle memorial plaque in Edinburgh
- Arthur Edward Durham's bas-relief in Guy's Hospital, London
- Arthur Schlossmann memorial in the General Municipal Hospital Düsseldorf of Düsseldorf
- Ascanio Sobrero's bust inside Villa Nobel, Sanremo
- Asclepius Caduceus and Snake in the Tiber Island, Rome
- Asclepius' monument in Rome
- Asclepius' statue in the Vatican Museums, Rome
- Astley Paston Cooper monument in St Paul's Cathedral, London
- Astley Paston Cooper's monument in Guy's Hospital, London
- Attilio Ascarelli's memorial tablet in the Fosse Ardeatine Memorial, Rome
- Auguste Nélaton's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Augustin Gilbert's bas-relief in the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris
- Augusto Giannelli's bust in the Old "Manicomio Provinciale Santa Maria della Pietà", Rome
- Augusto Murri's bust in Rimini
- Augusto Murri's bust in the Ospedale Civile "Augusto Murri", Fermo
- Augusto Murri's funereal mask in Bologna
- Augusto Murri's statuette in the Societas Medica Chirurgica Bononiensis, Bologna
- Aulus Cornelius Celsus' bas-relief in the Old "Ospedale Maggiore" in Vercelli
- Ausonio Zubiani's bust in Pineta di Sortenna Sanatorium, Sondalo
- Avicenna's statue in Hamadan
- Axel Munthe Bust in Anacapri
- Axel Munthe monument in Anacapri
- Axel Munthe's memorial tablet in Villa San Michele, Anacapri
- Barmherzigen Schwestern's memorial tablet in Graz
- Bartolo Nigrisoli's memorial tablet in Mezzano di Ravenna
- Bartolomeo Eustachi's bust in Rome
- Bartolomeo Eustachi's marble bust in San Severino Marche
- Bartolomeo Eustachi's memorial tablet in San Severino Marche
- Bartolomeo Eustachi's monument in San Severino Marche
- Bartolomeo Massari's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Bartolomeo Panizza's monument in the Aula Scarpa (old anatomical theatre), Pavia
- Bartolomeo Panizza's statue in Pavia
- Bartolomeo Sella's monument in Mosso Santa Maria
- Bellosguardo Hill memorial tablet in Bellosguardo, Florence
- Benjamin Guy Babington's bust in Guy's Hospital, London
- Benjamin Franklin's bust by Houdon in the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York
- Benjamin Franklin's monument in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
- Benjamin Ingels' bas relief in the Psychiatric Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent
- Bernardino Antonio Gomes jr's memorial tablet in the NOVA Facultade de Ciencias Medicas, Lisbon
- Bernardino Moscati's memorial tablet in The Physicians Square of the Monumental Cemetery of Milan
- Bernardino Ramazzini memorial tablet in Carpi (Modena)
- Bernardino Ramazzini's bust in Modena
- Bernardino Ramazzini's monument in Carpi (Modena)
- Bernhard von Langenbeck's bust in Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin
- Bernhard von Langenbeck's plaster cast head in Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin
- Biagio Castaldi's memorial tablet in Palermo
- Biagio Lauro's bust in Naples
- Biagio Miraglia's bust in the Reale Casa dei Matti in Aversa
- Biagio Miraglia's monument in Naples
- Bona and Nerina Gigliucci's memorial tablet in Florence
- Bowater John Vernon's memorial tablet in St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
- Bright, Addison and Hodgkin memorial tablet in Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh
- Bullfighters' memorial to Alexander Fleming in Madrid
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal and Severo Ochoa memories in the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Medicos de Navarra in Pamplona
- Camillo Golgi's bust in Corteno Golgi
- Camillo Golgi's statue in Pavia
- Camillus de Lellis' statue (1) in Rome
- Camillus de Lellis' statue (2) in Rome
- Carl Braun's bas-relief among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Carl Linnaeus bas-relief in the Old "Ospedale Maggiore" of Vercelli
- Carl Linnaeus' statue in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- Carl von Rokitansky's bust in the Medizinhistorisches Museum des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin, Vienna
- Carl von Rokitansky's marble bust in the University of Vienna
- Carlo Curzio's memorial tablet in the Ospedale degli Incurabili, Naples
- Carlo Forlanini's memorial tablet in Pavia
- Carlo Francioni's bust and memorial in the Ospedale Gozzadini, Bologna
- Carlo Maggiorani's bust in Palermo
- Carlo Matteucci's memorial tablet in Forlì
- Carlo Pais' medallion in the Biblioteca Civica "Carlo Pais", Longarone
- Carlo Riario's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Carlos Chagas' bust in Rio de Janeiro
- Carlos Chagas' statue in Rio de Janeiro
- Carlos Enrique Paz Soldan's bust in Lima
- Carlos Finlay's monument in Havana
- Carlos Finlay's monument (II) in Havana
- Carlos Jiménez Diaz memorial tablet in Pamplona
- Carlos Jiménez Diaz monument in Madrid
- Carmelo Campisi's bust in Syracuse
- Carol Davila's bust in Goleşti Museum, Goleşti
- Carol Davila's bust and bas-relief in the Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila” din București, Bucharest
- Carol Davila's statue among the Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila” din București, Bucharest
- Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome
- Cayetano Heredia's bust in Lima
- Cesare Frugoni's bust in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Cesare Lombroso monument in Verona
- Cesare Magati's bust in the Convent of San Giuseppe, Bologna
- Cesare Magati's bust (copy) in the Museo Storico Nazionale dell’Arte Sanitaria, Rome
- Cesare Serono's Bust in Roma
- Cesare Taruffi's monument in the Societas Medica Chirurgica Bononiensis, Bologna
- Charles Aston Key's bust in Guy's Hospital, London
- Charles Bell's bust in The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
- Charles Chamberland's bust in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Charles Darwin's statue in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- Charles Hilton Fagge's memorial tablet in Guy's Hospital, London
- Charles Nathaniel Read's memorial tablet in St Luke's Chapel of King's College Hospital, London
- Charles Schützenberger's monument in the Hôpital civil of Strasbourg
- Charles West's memorial tablet in the Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
- "Chirori, the Therapy dog"'s monument in Tokyo
- "Christiaan Barnard" (1969) by Giacomo Manzù in the Museo Giacomo Manzù, Ardea
- Christian Doppler's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Claude Bernard bust in the Jardin des Plants, in Paris
- Claude Bernard statue at the College de France in Paris
- Claude Bernard's monument in Saint-Julien
- Claudio Fermi's memorial tablet in Sassari
- Claudius Galen's bas-relief in Old "Ospedale Maggiore", Vercelli
- Clemens Pirquet von Cesenatico's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Clemens Pirquet von Cesenatico's monument in Vienna
- Constantin von Economo's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Corino de Andrade bust in Póvoa de Varzim
- Corrado Tommasi Crudeli's bust copy in Rome
- Corrado Tommasi Crudeli's memorial tablet in Rome
- Corrado Tommasi Crudeli's original bust in Rome
- Cosimo De Giorgi's bust in Lizzanello
- Crucifix and mourning people in Salerno
- Daniel Alcides Carrion's bust in Lima
- Daniel Bovet's memorial tablet in Sassari
- Dante De Blasi's bronze head in the Istituto di Igiene G. Sanarelli, Rome
- Desault and Bichat memorial tablet in the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris
- Diego de Argumosa's memorial tablet in the Pequeño Anfiteatro of the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid, Madrid
- Domenico Barduzzi's bas-relief in the Accademia dei Fisiocritici, Siena
- Domenico Capozzi's bust in Naples
- Domenico Cirillo's bust in Grumo Nevano
- Domenico Cirillo's bust (2) in the Ospedale degli incurabili, Naples
- Domenico Cirillo's monument in Grumo Nevano
- Domenico Cotugno's bust in Museo delle Arti Sanitarie, Naples
- Domenico Cotugno's monument in Ruvo di Puglia
- Domenico Golinelli's memorial tablet in Budrio
- Domenico Guglielmini's memorial tablet in Padua
- Domenico Lanzoni's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Domenico Majocchi's memorial tablet in the Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna
- Domenico Marotta's memorial tablet in Rome
- Domenico Rotiroti's memorial tablet
- Dominique-Jean Larrey's monument in Paris
- Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin's bust in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin's memorial tablet in the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford
- Edith Cavell and Marie Depage monument in Brussels
- Edith Cavell memorial plaque in the Cathedral Church of St Peter, St Paul and St Andrew of Peterborough
- Edith Cavell's Blue Plaque in the Royal London Hospital, London
- Edith Cavell's memorial in Brussels
- Edith Cavell's monument in London
- Edmond Nocard's bust in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Edoardo Porro statue in Milan
- Edoardo Porro's monument in Salsomaggiore (Parma)
- Édouard Brissaud's bust in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine, Paris
- Edouard Martin's memorial fountain in Geneva
- Edouard van Beneden's bas-relief in Liège
- Edouard Van Beneden's statue in Liège
- Eduard Jäger von Jaxtthal's bas-relief among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Eduard von Hofmann's bas-relief among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Eduardo Talamo's Memorial Tablet in Rome
- Edvard Welander's bust in the Karolinska Institutet Solna Campus, Stockholm
- Edward Jenner statue by Giulio Monteverde in Rome
- Edward Jenner Statue in Kensington Gardens in London
- Edward Jenner's bas-relief in the Old "Ospedale Maggiore" in Vercelli
- Edward Parker Charlesworth's monument in The Lawn Hospital, Lincoln
- Eladia Fernández-Espartero y Blanco's monument in Madrid
- Élie Metchnikoff marble tablet in Messina
- Élie Metchnikoff monument in Kharkiv
- Élie Metchnikoff monument and memorial tablet in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Elisabeth and Eugene Wollman bas-relief in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Elise Margaret Kemp's memorial tablet in St Luke's Chapel of King's College Hospital, London
- Elizabeth Blackwell Memorial in Asheville, North Carolina
- Elizabeth Blackwell's monument in Geneva, New York
- Emil Fischer monument in Berlin
- Emil Zuckerkandl's monument among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Émile Charles Achard's bust in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine, Paris
- Emile Duclaux's bust in Paris
- Emile Roux's bust in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Émile Roux's monument in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Emilio Ribas' bust in São Paulo
- Emilio Tiraboschi's memorial tablet in the Radiological Pavilion of the old "Ospedale Principessa di Piemonte" in Bergamo.
- Empedocles' statue in Agrigento
- Emperor Joseph ll's Monument in the Old Vienna General Hospital, Vienna
- Enrico Albanese's bust in Palermo
- Enrico Albanese's statue in Palermo
- Enrico Bottini's bust in the Museo per la Storia dell'Università di Pavia, Pavia
- Enrico Fermi's memorial tablet in Rome
- Epifanio Ferdinando and Maia Materdona's bas-relief in Mesagne
- Ernesto Cacace's memorial tablet in Ferdinando Palasciano's Hospital,Capua
- Ernesto Che Guevara's mausoleum in Santa Clara
- Ernesto Pestalozza's bust in the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome
- Ernst Fuchs' bas-relief among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Ernst Ludwig's medallion among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Ernst Viktor von Leyden's monument in Pontresina
- Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke's monument among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Erwin Schrodinger's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Étienne-Jules Marey's bas-relief in the Stade Roland Garros, Paris
- Étienne-Jules Marey's monument in Beaune
- Ettore Castronovo's bust in Messina
- Ettore Zanardi's bas-relief in Budrio
- Ettore Zanardi's memorial tablet in Vedrana di Budrio
- Eugenio Centanni's bust in Monterubbiano
- Eusebio Valli's memorial tablet in Ponsacco
- Ezio Sciamanna's bust in the Clinica delle Malattie Nervose e Mentali, Rome
- Fabrizio Bartoletti's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Faustino Calvo's bust in Ospedale San Giovanni Calibita - Fatebenefratelli, Rome
- Felice Castelli's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Felice Cavallotti's cholera quarantine memorial tablet in Florence
- Felice Migliori's bust (1) in Ospedale Civile dell'Annunziata, Cosenza
- Felice Migliori's bust (2) in Ospedale Civile dell'Annunziata, Cosenza
- Felix Terrier's statue in the Grand Hall of the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Ferdinando Palasciano's Tower in Naples
- Ferdinand Baron Von Thavonat in the Old Vienna General Hospital, Vienna
- Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Ferdinand Ritter Von Hebra's memorial tablet in the Old Vienna General Hospital, Vienna
- Fernando Sollari Allegro's bust in Porto
- Fernand Widal's monument in Paris
- Filippa Mareri's statue in Borgo San Pietro
- Filippo De Filippi's bust among the Medical Monuments in the University of Turin Central Building in Turin
- Filippo Turati and Anna Kuliscioff's bas-relief in Milan
- 'First anaesthetic administration in England' memorial tablet in London
- First commercial MRI whole body scanner's Blue Plaque in Oxford
- First External Cardiac Pacemaker's memorial tablet at the Banting and Best Department of Medical Research in Toronto
- "First intraocular lens for cataract" memorial tablet in St Thomas Hospital, London
- First liver resection memorial tablet in the Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna
- First use of Electroshock memorial tablet in the Clinica delle Malattie Nervose e Mentali, Rome
- "First Voluntary Hospital in Scotland" memorial tablet in Edinburgh
- Flaminio Rota's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- "Florence Nightingale" (1917) by Arthur George Walker in the chapel of St Thomas' Hospital, London
- Florence Nightingale helping a wounded soldier in the First Army Florence Nightingale Museum, inside the Selimiye Barracks, Istanbul
- Florence Nightingale memorial in Florence
- Florence Nightingale monument in London
- Florence Nightingale statue in St Thomas' Hospital, London
- Florence Nightingale's bust by John Steell in the Florence Nightingale Museum, London
- Florence Nightingale's memorial in the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral, London
- Florence Nightingale's pledge plaque in Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia
- Florence Rena Sabin statue in Washington, D.C.
- Francesco Arena's bust in Ferdinando Palasciano's Hospital,Capua
- Francesco Castellano's bust in Naples
- Francesco Delitala's monument in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Francesco Durante's bust in Letojanni (Messina)
- Francesco Durante's memorial tablet in Letojanni (Messina)
- Francesco Durante's monument in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Francesco Prusciano's bust in Taranto
- Francesco Puccinotti's bust in the Pincian Hill, Rome
- Francesco Redi's monument in the Uffizi, Florence
- Francesco Rizzoli's bust in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Francesco Rizzoli's memorial tablet in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Francesco Rizzoli's monument in Bologna
- Francesco Rizzoli's wooden bust in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Francesco Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti's memorial tablet in The Ospedale Maggiore, or Ca' Granda of Milan
- Francesco Torti's bust in Modena
- Francesco Torti's memorial tablet in Modena
- Francesco Vaccà Berlinghieri's bust in the Casa-Museo Vaccà Berlinghieri, Montefoscoli
- Francisco Cambournac's memorial tablet in the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Lisbon
- Francisco Sanches' memorial tablet in Braga
- Francisco Sanches' monument in Braga
- François Damaschino's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- François de Lapeyronie s monument in Montpellier
- François Rabelais' monument in Montpellier
- François-Vincent Raspail's mutilated monument in Paris
- Frank Wacher Memorial in Canterbury
- Franz Schuh's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Franz Schuh's monument in the old Vienna General Hospital, Vienna
- Frederick Banting and John Macleod monument in Bologna
- Frederick Le Gros Clark's bust in St Thomas' Hospital, London
- French Physicians memorial tablet in Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Friedrich Althoff bust in Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin
- Friedrich Kraus bust in Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin
- "From Here Health" by Denys Mitchell in The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, in Edinburgh
- Fyodor Erismann's bust in the Clinical campus on Devichye Pole, Moscow
- Gabriel Andral's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Gabriele Monasterio's memorial tablet in the Ospedale Santa Chiara, Pisa
- Gabriele Tedeschi's bust in Naples
- Gaetano Conte memorial tablet in Naples
- Gaetano Lorenzo Monti's memorial tablet in the church Madonna del Baraccano, Bologna
- Gaetano Martino's bust in Messina
- Gaetano Martino's monument in Messina
- Gaetano Rummo's bust by Ferrara in Benevento
- Gaetano Rummo's bust by Pellegrini in Benevento
- Gaetano Rummo's monument in Benevento
- Gaetano Salvioli's bust in the Ospedale Gozzadini, Bologna
- Galileo Ferraris' monument in Livorno Ferraris
- Galileo Galilei's bust in the lecture hall of the Istituto Chimico Giacomo Ciamician, Bologna
- Galileo Galilei's bust (2) in Museo Galileo in Florence
- Galileo Galilei's statue in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- Garcia de Orta's monument in the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Lisbon
- Gaspare Aselli memorial tablet in Pavia
- Gaspare Aselli's portrait in the Museo per la Storia dell'Università di Pavia, Pavia
- Gaspare Tagliacozzi's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio, Bologna
- Gaspare Tagliacozzi's statue in the Anatomical Theatre of The Archiginnasio, Bologna
- Gennaro Felice Arcucci's memorial tablet in Capri
- George Eastman's bust in the Istituto Superiore di Odontoiatria "George Eastman", Rome
- George Frederic Still's memorial tablet in St Luke's Chapel of King's College Hospital, London
- George Rolleston's bust in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- George Sidney Smith Clark's memorial tablet in Capri
- Georges Cuvier's fountain in Paris
- Georges Cuvier statue in the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Georges Dieulafoy's bas-relief in the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris
- Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon's monument in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris
- Geraldo de Paula Souza's bust in São Paulo
- Gerard van Swieten's terracotta bust in the Josephinum, Vienna
- Gerolamo and Lorenza Gaslini busts in the Istituto "Giannina Gaslini", Genoa
- Giacomo Tommasini's Monument in the Societas Medica Chirurgica Bononiensis, Bologna
- Gian Filippo Ingrassia's bust in Palermo
- Gian Leonardo Marugj's bust in Manduria
- Gino Iannelli’s bust in Cetraro
- Gioacchino Arnone's bust in the Museo della Radiologia, Palermo
- Giorgio Liguori's bust in Montegiordano
- Giovan Battista Amici's bust in Modena
- Giovan Battista Bono's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Giovan Battista Cortesi's memorial fresco in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Giovan Battista Monteggia's monument in Laveno-Mombello
- Giovan Battista Queirolo's monument in the Ospedale Santa Chiara, Pisa
- Giovanni Agostino Cucchi's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Giovanni Alessandro Brambilla's bust among the Medical monuments and memories in the University central seat, Pavia
- Giovanni Alessandro Brambilla's monument in the Aula Scarpa of the University of Pavia
- Giovanni Alessandro Brambilla's terracotta bust in the Josephinum, Vienna
- Giovanni Alfonso Borelli's memorial tablet in the University of Messina
- Giovanni Battista Borsieri's memorial tablet in The Physicians Square of the Famedio (Hall of Fame) in the Monumental Cemetery of Milan
- Giovanni Battista Borsieri's monument among the Medical monuments and memories in the University central seat, Pavia
- Giovanni Battista Da Monte's lunette in Padua
- Giovanni Battista Grassi's birthplace and monument in Rovellasca
- Giovanni Battista Grassi's bust in Rome
- Giovanni Battista Grassi's memorial tablet in Fiumicino
- Giovanni Battista Morgagni's bust in Forlì
- Giovanni Battista Morgagni's monument in Forlì
- Giovanni Brugnoli's memorial tablet in the Societas Medica Chirurgica Bononiensis, Bologna
- Giovanni Calderini's memorial tablet in Varallo Sesia
- Giovanni Canestrini's bust in Trento
- Giovanni Cottunio's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Giovanni da Vigo's monument in Rapallo
- Giovanni Di Cristina's bust in the Ospedale dei Bambini "Giovanni di Cristina" in Palermo
- Giovanni Di Guglielmo's memorial tablet in Avellino
- Giovanni Girolamo Sbaraglia's memorial in Bologna
- Giovanni Lanza's memorial tablet in Rome
- Giovanni Maria Rasario's bust in the Ospedale civico "Vittorio Emanuele II", Catania
- Giovanni Manzolini's wax bust in Bologna
- Giovanni Maria Lancisi's bust in Rome
- Giovanni Maria Lancisi's bust in Accademia Lancisiana in The Monumental Complex of Santo Spirito in Saxia, Rome
- Giovanni Maria Linguiti's bust in the Reale Casa dei Matti in Aversa
- Giovanni Mingazzini's bust in the Clinica delle Malattie Nervose e Mentali, Rome
- Giovanni Rasori's memorial tablet in The Physicians Square of the Famedio (Hall of Fame) in the Monumental Cemetery of Milan
- Giovanni Ruffo's plaster head in Ruffo's archive of Bovalino
- Girolamo Cardano's memorial tablet in Pavia
- Girolamo Fabrizi d'Acquapendente's memorial in Acquapendente
- Girolamo Fabrizi d'Acquapendente's monument in Acquapendente
- Girolamo Fracastoro's statue in Verona
- Giulio Bizzozzero monument in Turin
- Giulio Cesare Vanini's bust in Lecce
- Giulio Cesare Vanini's medallion in Rome
- Giulio Cesare Vanini's monument in Taurisano
- Giulio Goldoni's memorial tablet in Bagnacavallo
- Giulio Vassale's bust in Modena
- Giuseppe Barellai's memorial plaque in Florence
- Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo's monument in Turin
- Giuseppe Cavallera's memorial Palace in Carloforte
- Giuseppe Dagnini's monument in the Ospedale Maggiore of Bologna
- Giuseppe De Benedictis bas-relief in Polyclinic of Bari, in Bari
- Giuseppe Jona's memorial tablet in Venice
- Giuseppe Marinelli's memorial tablet in Naples
- Giuseppe Molfino's monument in the old Civic hospital of Rapallo
- Giuseppe Moruzzi's memorial tablet in the University of Pisa
- Giuseppe Moscati's bust in Serino
- Giuseppe Moscati's bust in Avellino in Avellino
- Giuseppe Moscati's marble tablet in Naples
- Giuseppe Moscati memorial tablet in Naples
- Giuseppe Moscati original gravestone in Naples
- Giuseppe Moscati's statue in Naples
- Giuseppe Moscati statue in the Cathedral of Benevento in Benevento
- Giuseppe Garibaldi's Mausoleum in Sant' Eufemia d' Aspromonte
- Giuseppe Oronzo Giannuzzi's head in Altamura
- Giuseppe Oronzo Giannuzzi's memorial tablet in Grammar school "Luca De Samuele Cagnazzi", Altamura
- Giuseppe Pianese's bust in Civitanova del Sannio
- Giuseppe Pitrè's monument in Palermo
- Giuseppe Rosati's monument in Foggia
- Giuseppe Ruggi's monument in the Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna
- Giuseppe Sanarelli's bronze bust in Rome
- Giuseppe Vivarelli's bust in the old Hospital "Santa Maria delle Nevi", Sinalunga
- Golding Bird's bust in Guy's Hospital, London
- Gordon Hamilton-Fairley's memorial tablet in the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral, London
- Great Patriotic War’s physicians monument in Kazan
- Gregor Mendel monument in Brno
- Gregor Mendel's monument in Philadelphia
- Gregorio Marañón's azulejos in Madrid
- Gregorio Marañón's bust in Toledo
- Gregorio Marañon's memorial tablet in the Pequeño Anfiteatro of the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid, Madrid
- Gregorio Marañón's monument in the Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense of Madrid
- Gregorio Rafael da Silva d'Almeida's monument in Sintra
- Guglielmo Bilancioni's bust in the Accademia di Storia dell’Arte Sanitaria, Rome
- Guglielmo Riva's bust in The Monumental Complex of Santo Spirito in Saxia, Rome
- Guglielmo Sanguinetti's bust in San Giovanni Rotondo
- Guido Baccelli's bust in Rome
- Guido Baccelli's bronze bust in Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome
- Guido Baccelli's marble bust in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Guido Baccelli's marble bust (1) in Rome
- Guido Baccelli's memorial tablet in the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome
- Guido Baccelli's memorial tablet (2) in the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome
- Guido Baccelli's monument in Rome
- Guido Farina's memorial tablet in Rome
- Guido Holzknecht's monument in Vienna
- Guillaume Dupuytren's bust in the Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris
- Guillaume Dupuytren's monument in the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris
- Gustave Moynier's bust in Geneva
- Guy de Chauliac's bas-relief in the Theatrum Anatomicum of the Faculté de Médecine in Montpellier
- Hans Christian Ørsted's statue in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- Hans Horst Meyer's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Hans Sloane's bust in The British Museum, London
- Heinrich Obersteiner's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Henri Becquerel's memorial tablet in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris
- Henri Vergez memorial tablet in the Bureau des Constatations Médicales, Lourdes
- Henry Wellcome memorial tablet and medallion in the Osler Library of the History of Medicine, Montreal
- Hermann Nothnagel's monument among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Hippocrates as a teacher monument in Kos
- Hippocrates monument in Kos
- Hippocrates' statue in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- Hippocrates' funeral monument in Larissa
- Hippolyte Larrey's monument in the Hôpital d'instruction des armées du Val-de-Grâce, Paris
- Historical Inscription of the British General Hospital in the Polyclinic of Bari, Bari
- Horace Wells and Paul Bert monument in Paris
- Hospital of the Order of St. John memorial tablet
- Hua Tuo monument in Bozhou, Anhui Province
- Hygieia's bas-relief on the facade of The Princess Royal Nurses Home in London
- Hygieia's monument in Montirone Spring, Abano Terme
- Ignaz Semmelweis' bas-relief in the University of Vienna
- Ignaz Semmelweis' bust in the Semmelweis-Frauenklinik, Vienna
- Ignaz Semmelweis' marble lunette in Szeged
- Ignaz Semmelweis memorial tablet in Budapest
- Ignaz Semmelweis' monument in front of Szent Rókus Kórház (hospital), Budapest
- Ignazio Cuscini's monument in Medicina
- Imhotep bronze statue in New York
- International Red Cross Memorial in Solferino
- Ioan Cantacuzino bas-relief in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Italian Arbor Day's memorial tablet in Rome
- Ivan Horbachevsky's monument in Vienna
- Ivan Pavlov's bust in the Pauls Stradiņš Medicine History Museum, Riga
- Ivan Pavlov monument in Saint Petersburg
- Ivan Pavlov's memorial tablet in the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid, Madrid
- Ivan Sechenov's bust in Moscow
- J Marion Sims monument in New York
- Jacob Moleschott bust in Rome
- Jacopo Berengario da Carpi memorial tablet in Carpi (Modena)
- Jacopo Berengario da Carpi's bust in Carpi (Modena)
- Jacques-Joseph Grancher's bust in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- James Cornelius Wilson's bust in the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Philadelphia
- James Lind's memorial tablet in Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh
- James Young Simpson memorial tablet in Edinburgh
- James Young Simpson monument in Edinburgh
- James Young Simpson thanksgiving plate in St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh
- Jan Evangelista Purkyně's bust and memorial plaque in Wrocław
- Jan Evangelista Purkyně's monument in Prague
- Jan Evangelista Purkyně's plaque in the University of Wrocław
- Jan Mikulicz-Radecki's bas-relief in Świebodzice
- Jan Mikulicz-Radecki's bust in the Town Hall of Wrocław
- Jan Mikulicz-Radecki's monument in Wrocław
- Janusz Korczak's monument in the Yad Vashem, Jerusalem
- Jaume Ferran i Clua's bust in the Reial Academia de Medicina de Catalunya, Barcelona
- Jean Henry Dunant's monument in Geneva
- Jean Antoine Villemin's bust in the Hôpital d'instruction des armées du Val-de-Grâce, Paris
- Jean Antoine Villemin's memorial tablet in the Hôpital d'instruction des armées du Val-de-Grâce, Paris
- Jean-Antoine Chaptal's bas-relief in the Theatrum Anatomicum of the Faculté de Médecine in Montpellier
- Jean-Antoine Chaptal's bust in the Theatrum Anatomicum of the Faculté de Médecine in Montpellier
- Jean Astruc's bust in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine of the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Jean Baptiste Bouillaud bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Jean-Baptiste Dumas' bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's monument in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris
- Jean-Baptiste Pussin's memorial tablet in the Bicêtre Hospital, Paris
- Jean Fernel's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Jean Henry Dunant memorial tablets in Mantua and its Province
- Jean-Nicolas Corvisart's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Jean Noël Hallé's bust in the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Jeanne-Antide Thouret's memorial tablet in Naples
- Jeanne Mance' statue in Montreal
- "Jenner" (1878) by Giulio Monteverde in Genoa
- Jérôme Lejeune's bas-relief in the Institut Jérôme Lejeune, Paris
- Joan Baptista van Helmont's monument in Brussels
- João de Araújo Correia's statue in Peso da Régua
- Johann Peter Frank memorial tablet in Pavia
- Johann Peter Frank's monument in the Aula Scarpa (old anatomical theatre) of the University of Pavia
- Johann Radon's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Johann von Dumreicher's bas-relief among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Johann von Oppolzer's monument among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Johann Weyer memorial in the General Municipal Hospital Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
- John C. W. Lever's bust in Guy's Hospital, London
- John Frederick Jennings' memorial tablet in St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
- John Fry's memorial plaque in Guy's Hospital, London
- John of God's statue in Ospedale San Giovanni Calibita - Fatebenefratelli, Rome
- John Hughes Bennett's memorial tablet in Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh
- John Hunter's bust by Nigel Boonham (1977) in London
- John Hunter's statue by Henry Hope Pinker in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- John Hunter's statue by Henry Weekes (1864) in The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London
- John Keats memorial plaque in Guy's Hospital, London
- John Keats memorial tablet in Protestant Cemetery, Rome
- John Keats monument in Guy's Hospital, London
- John McCrae's monument (Remember Flanders) in Guelph
- John Paul II monument in Policlinico universitario Agostino Gemelli, Rome
- John Rhea Barton's bust in the College of Physicians of Philadelphia in Philadelphia]
- John Scott Burdon-Sanderson's bust in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- John Simon's bust in St Thomas' Hospital, London
- John William Fisher's tomb in Kensal Green Cemetery, London
- John Zephania Holwell's memorial tablet in Guy's Hospital, London
- Jöns Jacob Berzelius' monument in Stockholm
- José Joaquín Arazuri's monument in Pamplona
- José Tomás de Sousa Martins' statue in Lisbon
- Joseph Guislain monument in Ghent
- Joseph Hyrtl's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Joseph Lister bas-relief in Rome
- Joseph Lister memorial tablet in Edinburgh
- Joseph Lister's bas-relief and memorial tablet in the The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London
- Joseph Lister's monument in London
- Joseph Meister's monument in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Joseph Récamier's memorial tablet in the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris
- Joseph Škoda's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Joseph von Quarin's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Joseph-Marie-Jules Parrot's bust in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine, Paris
- József Antall's memorial tablet in the Semmelweis Medical History Museum, Budapest
- Juan Huarte de San Juan's monument in Pamplona
- Jules Bordet's medallion in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Jules Péan's bust in the Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris
- Júlio Dinis Statue in Ovar
- Julius Wagner-Jauregg's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Just Lucas-Championniere's memorial tablet in the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris
- Karl Ernsts Von Baer's bust in Pauls Stradiņš Medicine History Museum in Riga
- Karl Landsteiner's medallion among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Karl Landsteiner's memorial tablet in Vienna
- Karl Langer's monument among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Kidney transplant's monument in the Bicêtre Hospital, Paris
- King Umberto I memorial monument in Bologna
- Koch's bacillus discovery memorial plaque in Berlin
- La Nature se dévoilant devant la Science in the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Montreal
- Lazzaro Spallanzani bust in Pavia
- Lazzaro Spallanzani memorial tablet in Pavia
- Lazzaro Spallanzani's bust in Modena
- Lazzaro Spallanzani's cenotaph in Scandiano
- Lazzaro Spallanzani's monument in Scandiano
- Léon Rostan's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Leonardo Bianchi's monument in Benevento
- Leonardo da Vinci’s baptismal font in Vinci
- Leonardo da Vinci's bronze head in Anchiano
- Leonardo da Vinci’s bust in Vinci
- Leonardo di Capua's bust in Bagnoli irpino
- Leonardo Di Capua's memorial tablet in Naples
- Leone Curzi's memorial tablet in San Benedetto del Tronto
- Leopold Schönbauer's memorial tablet in Old Vienna General Hospital, Vienna
- Leopold Schrötter von Kristelli's medallion among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Libero Attardi's bust in Santo Stefano Quisquina
- Ligue des Societes de la Croix Rouge's memorial tablet in Paris
- List of San Niccolò's Directors memorial tablet in the Old "Villaggio manicomiale di San Niccolò", Siena
- London School of Tropical Medicine's foundation stone in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London
- Lorenzo Mandalari's bust in Old "Manicomio Lorenzo Mandalari", Messina
- Lorenzo Martini's bust among the Medical Monuments in the University of Turin Central Building in Turin
- Louis-Jules Béhier's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Louis Pasteur monument at the Sorbonne in Paris
- Louis Pasteur's bust in the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro
- Louis Pasteur's bust in Dole
- Louis Pasteur's bust by Naoum Aronson in the Institut Pasteur in Paris
- Louis Pasteur's memorial tablet in Strasbourg
- Louis Pasteur's monument (Arbois) in Arbois
- Louis Pasteur's monument (Dole) in Dole
- Louis Thuillier's memorial tablet in the Institut Pasteur, Paris
- Louis Pasteur's speech about his parents (marble tablet) in the Louis Pasteur birthplace, in Dole
- Louis Seutin's monument in Brussels
- Louisa Aldrich-Blake's monument in London
- Luce e Tenebre in the old "Ospedale Neuropsichiatrico della Pizzuta" in Syracuse
- Ludovico Antonio Muratori's memorial tablet in Vignola
- Ludovico Necchi's bas-relief in Milan
- Ludwig Mauthner's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Ludwik Hirszfeld's bust in the Town Hall of Wrocław
- Luigi Amabile's bust in Avellino
- Luigi Carlo Farini's bust in Russi
- Luigi Carlo Farini's marble head in Russi
- Luigi Carlo Farini's memorial in Russi
- Luigi Carlo Farini's monument in Ravenna
- Luigi Carlo Farini's monument (2) in Saluggia
- Luigi Carlo Farini's monument (plaster model) in the famedio of Russi's cemetery
- Luigi Calori's bust and skulls collection in Bologna
- Luigi Calori's bust in San Pietro in Casale
- Luigi Concato's bust among the Medical Monuments in the University of Turin Central Building in Turin
- Luigi Concetti's monument in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Luigi Condorelli's bust in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Luigi Condorelli's bust in Catania in the Ospedale civico "Vittorio Emanuele II", Catania
- Luigi Devoto memorial tablet in Pavia
- Luigi Devoto's bust in Milan
- Luigi Ferdinando Marsili's monument and head in the Basilica of San Domenico, Bologna
- Luigi Gallo's monument among the Medical Monuments in the University of Turin Central Building in Turin
- Luigi Galvani's memorial tablet in Bologna
- Luigi Galvani's monument in Bologna
- Luigi Gonzaga's plate in Ospedale della Consolazione in Rome
- Luigi Luciani's memorial tablet in Rome
- Luigi Mangiagalli memorial tablet in Milan
- Luigi Mangiagalli's statue in Milan
- Luigi Porta's monument in the Aula Scarpa (old anatomical theatre) of the University of Pavia
- Luigi Porta's plaster bust in the Museo per la Storia dell'Università di Pavia in Pavia
- Luigi Porta's statue in Pavia
- Luigi Rolando's memorial tablet in Sassari
- Luigi Sacco monument in Milan
- Luigi Vaccà's bust in Modena
- Maciej Barski Kochler's bust and memorial tablet in the Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova, Florence
- Manlio Gelsomini's memorial tablet in Rome
- Manuel Bento de Sousa's bust in the NOVA Facultade de Ciencias Medicas, Lisbon
- Manuel Tolosa y Latour's monument in the Parque del Retiro, Madrid
- Marcello Malpighi's memorial fresco in Bologna
- Marcello Malpighi's memorial tablet in the University of Messina
- Marcello Malpighi's monument in Crevalcore
- Marcello Malpighi's original burial in Bologna
- Marcello Malpighi's statue (plaster model) in Bologna
- Marco Cavallo's statue in the Ospedale Psichiatrico Provinciale, Trieste
- Marco Levi Bianchini's memorial tablet in the Old Psychiatric Hospital Sant Antonio Abate, Teramo
- Margarethe-Hilferding-Hof in Vienna
- Marguerite Henriette and Marie Brisse's memorial tablet in the Ecole des Infirmières de l'Assistance Publique of the Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris
- Maria Bertilla Boscardin's church in Vicenza
- Maria Bertilla Boscardin's statue in Brendola
- Maria Dalle Donne's bust in Loiano
- Maria Dalle Donne's memorial tablet in Roncastaldo
- Maria Montessori's funeral tablet in Rome
- Maria Montessori's memorial tablet in Rome
- Mariano Semmola's memorial tablet in Naples
- Mariano Semmola's monument in Naples
- Mario Campanacci's monument in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Mario Malzoni's bust in Avellino
- Mario Romagnoli's memorial tablet in Lucca
- Mary Elizabeth Blanche Clark's memorial tablet in Ely
- Mary Owen's memorial tablet in St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
- Mary Seacole's monument in St Thomas Hospital, London
- Maternity Memorial Tablet in Milan
- Mathieu Orfila's bust in the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Matteo Gondi's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace, Bologna
- Matteo Luciani's bust in the Palazzo di Città of Salerno
- Matteo Luciani's monument in Salerno
- Maude Abbott's memorial in Montreal
- Mauricio Esteves Pereira Pinto's bust in Porto
- Maurício Esteves Pereira Pinto's toponymy plaque in Porto
- Maurizio Ascoli's memorial tablet in Catania
- Maurizio Bufalini's bust in Rome
- Maurizio Bufalini's bust (2) in the Monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Florence
- Maurizio Bufalini's bust (3) in the Monumental Cemetery of Cesena
- Maurizio Bufalini's memorial tablet in Forlì
- Maurizio Bufalini's monument in Cesena
- Maurizio Pincherle's bust in the Ospedale Gozzadini, Bologna
- Melchor Sánchez de Toca's memorial tablet in the Pequeño Anfiteatro of the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid, Madrid
- Memorial of Sir Alfred Lewis Jones in Liverpool
- Memorial Tablet of saint Camillus De Lellis in Milan
- Memorial Tablet of the Ca' Granda Hospital foundation in Milan
- Memorial Tablet of the Professors of chemistry in the atrium of the Ciamician Chemistry Department , Bologna
- Mendel and Tschermak memorial in Vienna
- Menecrates of Tralles' Epigraph situated in the National Archaeological Museum of Volcei, Buccino
- Michel Sarrazin’s memorial tablet in the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, Quebec City
- Michele Foderà's memorial tablet in Palermo
- Michele Savonarola's monument in Padua
- Miguel Bombarda's bust in the NOVA Facultade de Ciencias Medicas, Lisbon
- Miguel Bombarda's memorial tablet in the NOVA Facultade de Ciencias Medicas, Lisbon
- Miguel Servet monument in Geneva
- Miguel Servet's monument in Paris
- Miguel Torga's monument in Coimbra
- Military health service war memorial in the Hôpital d'instruction des armées du Val-de-Grâce, Paris
- Mondino de Liuzzi's statue in the Museo di Storia della Medicina in Rome
- Monna Tessa monument in Florence
- Monument to the "Heroic Women" of Castiglione in Castiglione delle Stiviere
- Moritz Kaposi's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Moses Maimonides statue in Cordoba
- "Mother and child" by Eugenio Pellini in the Istituto "Giannina Gaslini", Genoa
- Nicasio Landa's monument in Pamplona
- Niccolò Andria's memorial plaque in Massafra
- Nikolai Semashko's bust in the Clinical campus on Devichye Pole, Moscow
- Nicolò Cervello's bust in Palermo
- Niels Bohr's bust in Copenhagen
- Niels Stensen memorial tablet in Florence
- Niels Stensen's monument in Copenhagen
- Nikolay Pirogov' bust in Pauls Stradiņš Medicine History Museum in Riga
- Nil Filatov’s monument in Moscow
- Nitroglycerin memorial tablet in Turin
- Noël Fiessinger's bas-relief in the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris
- 'Notable people from Scilla' memorial tablet in the City Hall of Scilla
- old church of San Luca's memorial tablet in Bologna
- old Ospedale Maggiore's marble lunette in Bologna
- Oreste Prozzillo's memorial tablet in Capri
- Oreste Spinelli's bust in Belvedere Marittimo
- Oreste Spinelli's memorial tablet in Belvedere Marittimo
- Orso Mario Corbino's medallion in Museo della Radiologia, Palermo
- Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù memorial tablet in Rome
- Oswaldo Cruz's bust in Petrópolis
- Oswaldo Cruz's monument in São Luís do Paraitinga
- Oswaldo Cruz's statue in Rio de Janeiro
- Otto Kahler's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Otto Heubner bust in the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin
- Paolo Gaifami's bust in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Paolo Giaccone's monument in Palermo
- Paolo Gorini's monument in Lodi
- Paolo Mantegazza's bust in Rimini
- Paolo Mantegazza's monument in Florence
- Paolo Mascagni's bust in the Accademia dei Fisiocritici, Siena
- Paolo Mascagni's cenotaph in the Accademia dei Fisiocritici, Siena
- Paolo Mascagni's statue in Florence
- Paolo Ruffini's bust in Viterbo
- Paracelsus bronze bust in Rome
- Paracelsus' memorial tablet in Ferrara
- Patrick Manson's memorial tablet in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London
- Paul Ehrlich's statuette in Strzelin
- Paul Joseph Barthez monument in Montpellier
- Paul Langerhans bust in Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin
- Paul Lecene's bas-relief in the Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris
- Paul Ravaut's bas-relief in the Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris
- Pedro Lain Entralgo's memorial tablet in the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid, Madrid
- Pedro Mata's medallion in the Sala Gimbernat (old anatomical theatre) of the Reial Academia de Medicina de Catalunya, Barcelona
- Pedro Soriano's bust in the Ospedale San Giovanni Calibita - Fatebenefratelli, Rome
- Peeter van Coudenberghe's monument in Antwerp
- 'Penicillin discovery' Blue Plaque in St Mary's Hospital, London
- Peter of Abano's monument in Padua
- Peter of Abano's statue in Abano Terme
- Philippe-Frederic Blandin's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Philippe Pinel's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Philippe Pinel's bust in the Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris
- Philippe Pinel's monument in the Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris
- Piero Palagi's bust in Florence
- Pierre and Marie Curie bas-relief in the Radiological Pavilion of the old "Ospedale Principessa di Piemonte" in Bergamo
- Pierre and Marie Curie's laboratory memorial tablet in the École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles, Paris
- Pierre-Augustin Béclard's bust in the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Pierre Charles Édouard Potain's bust in the Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine, Paris
- Pierre Curie's bas-relief in the École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles, Paris
- Pierre-François Percy's bust in the Musée du Service de Santé des Armées, Paris
- Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis' bust in the Université Paris descartes, Paris
- Pierre-Joseph Desault's bust in the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Pierre Paul Broca's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Pietro Andrea Mattioli's memorial tablet in Siena
- Pietro Assalini's bas-relief in the Old "Ospedale Maggiore" of Vercelli
- Pietro Busacchi's memorial tablet in Bologna
- Pietro Capparoni's memorial tablet in the Accademia di Storia dell'Arte Sanitaria, Roma
- Pietro Danieletti's monument with a bust of Morgagni in Prato della Valle, Padua
- Pietro Farinato's bust in the Ospedale Umberto I, Enna
- Pietro Loreta's bas-relief in Bologna
- Pietro Lupi's bust in The Monumental Complex of Santo Spirito in Saxia, Rome
- Pietro Panzeri's monument in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Pietro Torrigiano Rustichelli's monument in Florence
- Pietro Valdoni's bust in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Porta Nuova in Mesagne
- Prospero Alpini's bas-relief and memorial tablet in the Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Marostica
- Prospero Alpini's tablet in Piazza Castello in Marostica
- Purkyně old Institute of Physiology's memorial tablet in Wrocław
- Radium discovery memorial tablet in the École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles, Paris
- Raffaele Paolucci's bust in Pescara
- Raffaele Paolucci's statue in Orsogna
- Raffaele Piria's bust among the Medical Monuments in the University of Turin Central Building in Turin
- Raffaele Teti’s memorial tablet in Sant'Onofrio
- Raffaello Silvestrini's bust in Perugia
- Rahel Hirsch bust in the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin
- Ramon y Cajal and Ochoa monument in Madrid
- Raoul Testa's memorial tablet in Ferrara
- Relief for a heroized physician, Altes Museum in Berlin
- Renato Caminiti's memorial monument in Villa San Giovanni
- René Jacquemaire Clemenceau's memorial in Paris
- René Laennec's bas-relief in Paris
- René Laennec's memorial tablet in the Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris
- René Laennec's monument in Quimper
- René Nicolas Dufriche Desgenettes' bust in the Hôpital d'instruction des armées du Val-de-Grâce, Paris
- Riccardo Dalla Vedova's bust in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Riccardo Pampuri's memorial tablet in Pavia
- Riccardo Pampuri's statue in Morimondo
- Richard Bright's bust in Guy's Hospital, London
- Richard Mead's bust in St Thomas' Hospital, London
- Richard Mead's monument in Guy's Hospital, London
- Richard von Krafft-Ebing's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Richard von Krafft-Ebing's terracotta bust in the Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie, Graz
- Richard von Volkmann's bust in Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin
- Rinaldo Duglioli's memorial tablet in the Basilica of San Domenico, Bologna
- Riven Heine Monument in Düsseldorf
- Rizzoli's Legacy and Inauguration memorial tablets in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Robert Bentley Todd’s monument in front of King's College Hospital, London
- Robert Clayton's monument in St Thomas' Hospital, London
- Robert Hooke's memorial tablet in St Paul's Cathedral, London
- Robert Koch statue in Berlin
- Robert Sibbald memorial plaque in Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh
- Roberto Alessandri's bust in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Rocco Caminiti's bust in Villa San Giovanni
- Rocco Jemma's bust in the Primo Policlinico di Napoli in Naples
- Rockefeller Foundation's memorial tablet in the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome
- Rudolf Virchow bust in the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin
- Rudolf Virchow monument in Berlin
- Rudolf Virchow's plaster cast head in Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin
- Ruggiero Lattanzio's bust in Ospedale Monsignor Raffaele Dimiccoli, Barletta
- Saint Camillus de Lellis' statue in Basilica Vaticana in Rome
- Saint Camillus de Lellis' terracotta statue in Rome
- Saint Luke's statue in the Bureau des Constatations Médicales, Lourdes
- Saint Roch statue in the Hospital de la Santa Creu (original site), Barcelona
- Saint Roch's statue (1894) by Auguste Baussan in the Church of Saint Roch, Montpellier
- Saint Roch's fountain in Palmi
- Salomon Neumann's memorial plaque, Berlin
- "Salus infirmorum" by Jules Déchin in Lourdes
- Salvatore Calabrese's bronze bust in the Associazione "Salvatore Calabrese", Campi Salentina (Le)
- Salvatore Tomaselli's bust in the Ospedale civico "Vittorio Emanuele II", Catania
- Salvatore Tommasi's bust in Naples
- Salvatore Tommasi's bust 2 in Accumoli
- Salvatore Tommasi's memorial tablet in Roccaraso
- Salvatore Tommasi's monument in Pavia
- Salvatore Trinchese's bust in Martano
- Samuel August Tissot memorial tablet in Pavia
- Samuel David Gross' bust in the College of Physicians of Philadelphia in Philadelphia
- Samuel David Gross' monument in the Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia
- Samuel Hahnemann's monument in Washington, D.C.
- Samuel Smith Purple's memorial tablet in The New York Academy of Medicine, New York
- Sante De Sanctis' bust in the Clinica delle Malattie Nervose e Mentali, Rome
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal bust in Pamplona
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal monument in Madrid
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal's memorial tablet in the Reial Academia de Medicina de Catalunya, Barcelona
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal's memorial tablet in the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid, Madrid
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal's statue in the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid, Madrid
- Santiago Ramon y Cajal's statue (replica) in the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid, Madrid
- Sarah Elizabeth Wardroper's memorial in St Thomas Hospital, London
- Sarah Parker Remond's memorial plaque in the Protestant Cemetery, Rome
- Schola Medica Salernitana's memorial tablet in Salerno
- Schweitzer and Zamenhof's memorial tablets in Vienna
- Scipione Riva Rocci's memorial tablet in Almese
- Scuola Anatomica di Bologna in the Institute of Human Anatomy, Bologna
- "Scuola Medica Pistoiese" memorial tablet in the Ospedale del Ceppo, Pistoia
- Serafino Biffi's monument in the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan
- Sergei Korsakov's bust in the Sechenov University Museum of Medical History, Moscow
- Severo Ochoa's monument in the Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense of Madrid
- Shabbatai ben Abraham Donnolo's square in Oria
- Sigismond Jaccoud's memorial tablet in the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Sigmund Freud's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Sigmund Freud's monument in London
- Silas Weir Mitchell's bust in the College of Physicians of Philadelphia in Philadelphia
- Silesian doctors' medals in the City Museum of Wrocław
- Six Physicians Portraits in the Cathedral of Milan
- 'Smallpox eradication' memorial tablet in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London
- Sophia Louisa Jex-Blake memorial plaque in Edinburgh
- Sophie Scholl's bust in the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
- St Clair Thomson's memorial tablet in St Luke's Chapel of King's College Hospital, London
- Stained glass windows commemorating World War II hospital’s dead in St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
- Stanislao Cannizzaro's bas-relief in Palermo
- Stanislao Cannizzaro's memorial tablet in Genoa
- Stanislas Laugier's bust in the Grand Hall of Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Statue of Zeus with the head of Asclepius in the Galleria Archeologica of the Musei Reali, Turin
- Stefano Mircoli's bust in Monterubbiano
- Stefano Romeo's memorial tablet in Santo Stefano di Aspromonte
- Stefano Tedeschi Oddo's bust in the English Garden of Palermo
- Stéphane Tarnier's monument (with his incubator) in Paris
- Rahel Hirsch bust in the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Berlin
- Teodorico Borgognoni's memorial tablet in Lucca
- Teodoro Lovati's memorial tablet among the Medical monuments and memories in the University central seat in Pavia
- The Art of Medicine in Florence
- The Broad Street Pump original site in London
- The Broad Street Pump replica in London
- The Devils' Bridge in Salerno
- The Divine Healer in the The Johns Hopkins Hospital and School of Medicine, Baltimore
- The Doctors Mayo monuments in Rochester, Minnesota
- The Ether Monument in Boston
- The Evelina Hospital for Sick Children's memorial tablet in London
- The Golden Boy of Pye Corner in London
- The 'Great Debate' monument in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- The Hippocrates plane tree in Kos
- The 'leaflets monument' to the "White Rose" in the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
- The Old Sanatorium of Calabria in Zervò, in Reggio Calabria
- The Pestsaule or Plague Column in Vienna
- The Physicians Square in Milan
- The Rod of Asclepius Monument in Lima
- The Six Madmen bas-relief in Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent
- The Wall of Travelers in Loiano
- The wounded Ignatius of Loyola in Pamplona
- The Wounded Soldier in St Bartholomew's Hospital Museum, London
- Theodor Billroth's bas-relief in the Billrothhaus, Vienna
- Theodor Billroth's bust in the Billrothhaus, Vienna
- Theodor Billroth's bust (2) in Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin
- Theodor Billroth's marble bust in the Billrothhaus, Vienna
- Theodor Billroth's monument among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Theodor Billroth's statue in the old Vienna General Hospital, Vienna
- Theodor Meynert's bust among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Theodor Schwann s statue in Liège
- Theodora Turner's bust in St Thomas' Hospital, London
- Théophile Roussel's monument in Paris
- Thomas Addison's bust in Guy's Hospital, London
- Thomas Guy's monument in Guy's Hospital, London
- Thomas Linacre's bust in the Royal College of Physicians, London
- Thomas Montanus' bust in St John's Hospital, Bruges
- Thomas Sydenham's bust in the Royal College of Physicians, London
- Thomas Sydenham's statue in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- Thomas Turner's bust in Guy's Hospital, London
- Tiberio Evoli's Bust in the Tiberio Evoli Hospital, Melito Porto Salvo
- Tommaso Campailla's bust in Modica
- Tommaso Casoni's memorial tablet in Sassari
- Tommaso Cigliano's memorial tablet in Forio
- Tommaso Laghi's memorial tablet in the Archiginnasio Palace of Bologna
- Tommaso Pontano's memorial tablet in the Istituto Nazionale Malattie Infettive - ospedale spallanzani, Rome
- Tommaso Senise's monument in Naples
- Ugo Cerletti's memorial tablet in the Clinica delle Malattie Nervose e Mentali in Rome
- Ulisse Aldrovandi's bust in Palazzo Poggi, Bologna
- Ulisse Aldrovandi's memorial tablet in Bologna
- Ulysse Trélat's bust in the Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris
- "Vaccination contre la typhoïde des jeunes reclutes" by Jean Larrivé in the Musée du Service de Santé des Armées, Paris
- Valdemar Holmer's bust in front of the old Kommunehospitalet (Municipal Hospital), Copenhagen
- Valentino Facchini's memorial tablet in the Ospedale Bellaria, Bologna
- Valentino Onorati's funeral tablet in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome
- Valsalva's De Aure memorial tablet in Vigorso di Budrio
- Vesalius' Skinned Man in ZakynthosVictor Babes' bronze head in Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila” din București, Bucharest
- Vienna medical school roll of honour among the Medical monuments in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Vincenzo Cervello's Bust in Palermo
- Vincenzo Chiarugi's bas-relief medallion in the Old "Manicomio Provinciale Santa Maria della Pietà", Rome
- Vincenzo Chiarugi's marble tablet in the Old "Villaggio manicomiale di San Niccolò", Siena
- Vincenzo Chiarugi's memorial tablet in Florence
- Vincenzo Cuomo's memorial tablet in Capri
- Vincenzo Lanza's memorial tablet in Foggia
- Vincenzo Lanza's memorial tablet (2) in Foggia
- Vincenzo Lanza's statue in Foggia
- Vincenzo Malacarne's bas-relief in the Old "Ospedale Maggiore" of Vercelli
- Vincenzo Neri's memorial tablet in the Societas Medica Chirurgica Bononiensis, Bologna
- Vincenzo Sartori's bust in The Monumental Complex of Santo Spirito in Saxia, Rome
- Vincenzo Tiberio's memorial tablet in Arzano
- Vincenzo Tiberio's well in Arzano
- Vito Fazzi's bust in Lecce
- Vittorio Ascoli's bust in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Vittorio Colomiatti's bust among the Medical Monuments in the University of Turin Central Building in Turin
- Vittorio De Marino's memorial tablet in San Felice a Cancello
- Vittorio De Marino's monument in San Felice a Cancello
- Vittorio De Marino's statue in Villaricca
- Vittorio Marchi's memorial in Modena
- Vittorio Putti's monument in the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
- Vladimir Snegirev’s monument in Moscow
- Votive Relief for the Healing Gods Asclepius and Hygieia in the Altes Museum, Berlin
- Walter Frank Raphael Weldon's bust in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- White Rose memorial in the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
- Wiktor Bross's bust in the Town Hall of Wrocław
- Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen bas-relief in the Radiological Pavilion of the old "Ospedale Principessa di Piemonte" in Bergamo
- Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen's bas-relief in the Policlinico Umberto I, Rome
- Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen's bust in Würzburg
- Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen's pathway and memorial tablet in Pontresina
- Wilhelm Ebstein's bust in Jawor
- Wilhelm Griesinger bust in Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin
- William Aldren Turner's memorial tablet in St Luke's Chapel of King's College Hospital, London
- William Babington's bust in Guy's Hospital, London
- William Babington's monument in Guy's Hospital, London
- William Babington statue in London
- William Cheselden's bust in St Thomas' Hospital, London
- William Harvey's bust in St Bartholomew's Hospital Museum, London
- William Harvey's bust in the Royal College of Physicians, London
- William Harvey statue in Folkestone
- William Harvey's statue by Henry Weekes in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
- William Henry Pancoast's bust in College of Physicians of Philadelphia in Philadelphia
- William Howard Russell's bust in the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral, London
- William John Ritchie Simpson's bas-relief in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London
- William Osler bas-relief in The Open Arms, Oxford
- William Osler bust in the Strathcona Building of McGill University, Montreal
- William Osler's coat-of-arms in the Strathcona Building of McGill University, Montreal
- William Osler's memorial near the Osler Library of the History of Medicine in Montreal
- Winged ox statue in the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia
- Xavier Bichat's monument in the Université Paris Descartes, Paris
- Xu Guangqi's bust in the Xu-Guangqi-Memorial-Hall, Shanghai
- Zeferino de Oliveira's statue in Penafiel
If you want to locate these items on a Google Map, please go to the corresponding page