Musée des Hospitalières de l'Hotel-Dieu

The Musée des Hospitalières of the Hôtel-Dieu de Montreal in Montreal allows to discover "the history of the city’s first hospital, Hôtel-Dieu, along with that of the Hospitallers of Saint Joseph, a pioneering community of women who laid the foundations of the healthcare system, in Montreal and elsewhere in Canada". It is also "about Montreal icon Jeanne Mance, a key historical figure and a woman of action. The exhibition abounds with facts about the evolution of medicine, the growing role played by nurses and the various healthcare crises that have struck Montreal". "The permanent exhibition also presents some outstanding examples from the Hôtel-Dieu’s religious treasure (including paintings, sculptures, silverware and paper filigree works), several of which date back to the New France era. The treasure is composed of religious items used during services, for ornamentation or in the veneration of relics. In touch with their times, the Hospitallers commissioned a number of exceptional liturgical and decorative objects from such well-known artists as Jourdain dit Labrosse, Chaboillez, Arnoldi and Catelli"1.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (July 2017)

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