Musée des Plantes Médicinales et de la Pharmacie
A quite rich and well arranged Museum dedicated to Herbalism and Pharmacy - Musée des Plantes Médicinales et de la Pharmacie - can be visited inside the Institute of Pharmacy of the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels (Bd du Triomphe, B-1050).
In more then 60 show cases, a large number of items (plants, drugs, instruments, advertising…) are displayed and explained.
More info at the Museum's official website.
- Photos by Luca Borghiti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l# | (August 2009)
- Locate the item on this Google Map
Related items:
- 18th Century Enema Syringes
- Aspirin old samples and advertisements
- Cinchona samples
- Dyes and Drugs showcase
- Microscopes coupling
- M.Vanhaelen - R.Vanhaelen-Fastré, Plantes d'autrefois, médicaments d'aujourd'hui, Musée des Plantes Médicinales et de la Pharmacie, Bruxelles 2005, pp. 234.