The Museum of Popular Surgery is located in Preci (Piazza Marconi, 1), in the Castoriana Valley.
The Museum was opened In May 2009, thanks to the collaboration of municipal district of Preci with the Universities of Perugia and "La Sapienza" of Rome.
The Museum hosts an exhibition that begins with portraits of prominent doctors, famous patients and some prints of anatomy illustrations with explanatory captions with comments to the most common surgical techniques. To supplement the exhibition, there are caskets containing tools and surgical instruments used in ancient times.
During the Middle ages (since 1215) the monks of the near St. Eutizio Abbey instructed the inhabitants of Preci in some surgical operations. The skills of these empirical surgeons grew during the following years and they became among the few people capables of operating gallstones, inguinal hernia and cataracts, reaching the largest fame in the 16th century. Among their most famous patients: Elisabeth the 1st Tudor, Louis XI of France, the sultan Amorat IV of Constantinople, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria…
- a view of St. Eutizio Abbey
- a view of Preci
- The museum of Surgery in Preci
- a disquisition about the surgery of gallstones
- surgical instruments
- tools for lithotomy
*tools for the operation of cataract made in bronze, ivory and bone
- a print concerning the urinal tract taken from a dissertation aboout lithotomy
- ancient prints concerning the eye surgery
- Photos by Lucia Padovini (February 2011)
- Locate the item on this Google Map
- Anselmo Fabbi, Preci e la Valle Castoriana Edizioni Arti Grafiche Panetti & Petrelli, 1974