Museo Roberto Papi

Museo Roberto Papi displays a large number of medical instruments from the 17th to the 20th century. The collection is in Salerno (via Trotula de Ruggiero, 23) distributed in 14 rooms on two of the floors of the historical Galdieri Palace. It was born thanks to the willingness of the Papi family itself in collaboration with the Salerno Provincial Administration (Provincia di Salerno), the chamber of commerce, the University of Salerno, the institution scuola medica salernitana and the medical and dental association.

The main characteristic of this Museum is the reproduction of old and authentic settings, and the instruments are divided according to the different medical disciplines: Anatomy, Anesthesiology, General Surgery, Military Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Otorhinolaryngology, Pulmonology, Rehabilitation, Traumatology and Urology.
The Symbol of the Museum is a woman dressed by a tunic and a chiton, representing the goddess of Medicine holding a snake rolled around the stick ("caduceo") and a cock. They all have a particular meaning: the stick is Mercury's wand by which he can treat sick people, the snake, thanks to its skin, stands for the regenerating life and it's related to the god Esculapio, and finally, the cock is seen as the signal of a new day arising, a new day far from night darkness.

  • Photos by Fabrizio Citarella (January 2011)

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