Nicola Pende's birthplace

Nicola Pende was born on April 21, 1880, in this stone house in the center of Noicattaro (Corso Roma, 58, previously named Via Garibaldi). It was near an ancient mill, an industrial factory of the XVIII century. A significant tablet celebrates his magnitude as a man and as a great scientist through these words: "QUI / NELLA CASA ANNESSA AL VECCHIO MULINO / - OV'ERA LA VIA GARIBALDI AL N' 37 - / IL 21 APRILE DEL 1880 NACQUE / NICOLA PENDE / MEDICO ED ILLUSTRE SCIENZIATO / NOICATTARO FIERA NE TRAMANDA IL RICORDO / ALL'ITALIA E AL MONDO. / 1880".

  • Photos and main text by Costanza Saponaro ti.liamtoh|oranopas.aznatsoc#| and Nicoletta Ventrella moc.liamg|attelocin.allertnev#| (January 2015)

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