old "Hospital do Espirito Santo"

The old "Hospital do Espirito Santo" in Barcelos (Largo Dom António Barroso 211) was formerly located in this beautiful building which nowadays hosts the City Hall. It was functioning as a hospital for more than three centuries, since 1500 to 1836, mainly to support pilgrims going to Santiago de Compostela.

In the three images below you can see the main facade of the old Hospital that today corresponds to the entrance to the City Hall.


In the following image you can see the side facade of the old Hospital. In the background, you can see an old church. It is named Igreja Matriz de Santa Maria Maior de Barcelos. It was built in the XIV century and it has been rebuilt in the XX century. It is listed as a a National Monument since 1927.


Here it is another image of the side facade of the old Hospital with two interesting elements.


The Portuguese inscription on this memorial tablet reads as follows: "NESTE LOCAL EXISTIU DURANTE 336 ANOS (1500 - 1836) A / CAPELA DO ESPÍRITO SANTO E HOSPITAL DO SANTO ESPIRÍTO / DEPOIS HOSPITAL D. MANUEL I E INSTITUÍDA A / SANTA E REAL CASA DA MISERICÓRDIA (1500) / QUE NO ANO DE 1836 MUDOU PARA O CONVENTO DOS / CAPUCHOS, COM IGREJA E CERCA NO CAMPO DA FEIRA. / ESTA PLACA EVOCATIVA FOI DESCERRADA A / 19 DE MAIO DO ANO 2000, NAS COMEMORAÇÕES / DOS 500 ANOS DA MISERICÓRDIA DE BARCELOS." The English translation reads: "In this place existed for 336 years (1500 - 1836) the Chapel of Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit Hospital. Then Hospital D. Manuel I and the Santa and Royal House of Holy Mercy (1500) was established, which in 1836 moved to the Capuchins Convent with Church in Campo da Feira. This memorial plaque was unveiled on May 19th of the year 2000, in the celebrations of the 500 years of the Holy Mercy of Barcelos."


The second element in this facade is this Handcraft which represents the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It shows the great importance of Handcraft in this city, which the most famous element is the famous Rooster of Barcelos (see below).

  • Photos and main text by António Miguel Santos moc.liamg|sotnasleugimoinotna#| (September 2020)

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