old "Ospedale Neuropsichiatrico della Pizzuta"

The ex "Ospedale Neuropsichiatrico della Pizzuta" (The Pizzuta Neuropsychiatric Hospital) is located in Syracuse in a suburb called Pizzuta. The building was started in 1930 and it took four years to be completed; it hosted nearly 400 hospital beds. However, over the years, in compliance with the law L 180/78 of 1978 known as "Legge Basaglia", the hospital was closed. Nowadays in that area there are many medical operative units such as an Alzheimer Centre, a Neurological Centre, a Mental Health unit and the Provincial Centre for Multiple Sclerosis.

  • Photos by Dario Sessa ti.supmacla|asses.d#| (January 2013)

Related Items:


- Fabio Fazzina, “Ex Onp alla Pizzuta: Siracusa come Trieste! Un’area dalle enormi potenzialità da aprire a tutta la città”, in La Voce Siracusa, 13 november 2010

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