old "Ospedale Principessa di Piemonte"

The old "Ospedale Principessa di Piemonte" aka "Ospedale Maggiore" in Bergamo (Largo Giovanni Barozzi) has been the main hospital of the city for most of the twentieth century. When, in the 1920s, the demolition of the ancient hospital, the Casa Grande di San Marco, was decided to make room to some new administrative buildings in downtown area, the construction of a new hospital began: the foundation stone was laid on the 1st of May 1927 and the inauguration took place on the 20th of September 19301. In the 1970s the hospital was renamed "Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo" and in the early 2010s was definitively closed. Currently (2016) the old hospital buildings are undergoing renovation in order to become the new site for the school of the Italian military corps "Guardia di Finanza".

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (May 2016), courtesy of CDP Investimenti Sgr, with the help of Armanno Cristofaro

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  • Maria Mencaroni Zoppetti (a cura di), L'Ospedale nella città. Vicende storiche e architettoniche della Casa Grande di S. Marco, Fondazione per la Storia Economica e Sociale di Bergamo, Bergamo 2002, pp. 239

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