The “Museo degli Innocenti” in Florence, opened on 24th June 20161, after an ambitious restoration's project of the original structure of the Ospedale degli Innocenti. It features three main cultural itineraries: Historical, Artistic and Architectural.
Inside the museum
The Historical exhibit is the result of a meticulous work of researches and documents recollection. It goes back 600 years, through artworks, memorabilia, and multimedia exhibits, and shows children's personal stories and day-life. A room is entirely dedicated to recovered coins, messages, pieces of coral and others objects illustrating the paternal habit of leaving something to identify their children.
The Gallery arranged above the main portico, in the old dormitories and day-rooms, includes a rich collection of masterpieces of Italian Renaissance art, such as "Madonna col Bambino” by Botticelli, “Adoration of the Magi” by Ghirlandaio and others by De Cosimo, Della Robbia and Vasari.
Old photo of the hallway
The same hallway as a part of the museum
Madonna col Bambino - Botticelli
Furthermore, the Architectural exhibit shows the evolution of the building focused on hospitality, now opening its door to tourism and Florence day life.
- Photos and main text by Francesca Nardò moc.liamg|89odranacsecnarf#| and Stella La Rocca ti.orebil|accoral-allets#| (December 2017)
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