During the History, in Brindisi were built three different hospitals.
The first hospital, known as “Ospedaletto civile della Congregazione di Carità ” was built in 1986 in the city centre, next to the cathedral. The building lasted till 8th November 1941, when an airstrike destroyed the church.
The second hospital, named “Antonino Di Summa”, was ultimated in the 1939 in Cappuccini st, the works were leaded by Mr. Telesforo Tarchioni. Unfortunately it was occupied by the German army during the World War II and then by US army until the end of the War in 1945. The hospital started his real activity in 1948, with an availability of 250 beds (raised to 1.150 in the late 1972). It was dismissed in 2002 and has been redestinated to different health care services. (university activities, technical offices and prevention department)
In the late 2002, after 27 years from the starting project, the third and biggest hospital in Brindisi’s history started his activity. 140 billions £ were spent for the realization of the hospital “Antonio Perrino”, located in Appian Way (the one that linked the Ancient Rome to Brindisi back in the days). The name of the hospital was dedicated to senator Antonio Perrino, who has been the president of Di Summa hospital from 1948 to 1971).
- Photos by Francesco Pirato
- Pino Balsamo, Gli ospedali di Brindisi. Tra storia realizzazioni e ricordi