This page lists items in the database related to miscellaneous kind of places and objects related to the history of Medicine:
- Anatomical model of a pregnant woman in the Medicine Man gallery of the The Wellcome Building, London
- Camillus de Lellis' relics and memorabilia in the church of Santa Ninfa dei Crociferi, Palermo
- Francesco Folli's hygrometer in the Museo Galileo Galilei, Florence
- Garibaldi's wounding memorabilia in the Museo Centrale del Risorgimento, Rome
- Geerard de Duivel Castle (prison-hospice for male lunatics) in Ghent
- Giovanni Battista Grassi's academic documents in the Museo per la Storia dell'Università di Pavia, Pavia
- Giuseppe Oronzo Giannuzzi's mineral collection in Grammar school "Luca De Samuele Cagnazzi", Altamura
- Istituto Carducci (1927 International Congress of Physics' seat) in Como
- Ludwik Hirszfeld's memorabilia in the Lower Silesian Medical Chamber of Wrocław
- Napoleon's headquarters (with Larrey memories) in Waterloo
- Nicolae Paulescu's desk in Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila” din București, Bucharest
- Red Cross Volunteer Nurse's uniform in the Museo Centrale del Risorgimento, Rome
- Salvatore Scrofani's memories in the Museum of Africa in Ragusa
- Shennong sculptures in the Psychiatric Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent
- Tiber Island in Rome