Palazzo Buongiovanni

Pietro Vianeo and Paolo Vianeo lived in this small palace, Palazzo Buongiovanni, in Tropea (via Pietro Vianeo, 8). This is possibly the house where Leonardo Fioravanti, during his stay in Tropea in 1549, witnessed in disguise some rhinoplasty procedures by the Vianeo brothers:

"And every day I went to their house, for they had five persons on whom to remake noses, and when they wished to perform these operations, they called me to watch. And I, pretending not to be able to watch such a thing, turned my face away, but my eyes saw very well; and thus I saw the whole secret, from beginning to end, and I learned it"1.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (August 2024)

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