Important places related to the history of medicine and other health-related subjects in Paris, France. These places are also visible on this Google Map.
- Bicêtre Hospital with related items:
- Etienne-Jules Marey's bas-relief in the Stade Roland Garros
- Hôpital d'instruction des armées du Val-de-Grâce and Musée du Service de Santé des Armées with related items:
- Albert Calmette's bust
- Alphonse Laveran's bust
- Alphonse Laveran's microscope and surgical instruments
- Ambroise Paré's bust
- Dominique-Jean Larrey's monument
- François and Jacques Debat's medical collection
- Hippolyte Larrey's monument
- Jean Antoine Villemin's bust
- Jean Antoine Villemin's memorial tablet
- Larrey's 'flying ambulance' (model)
- “La salle III à l’hôpital temporaire du Grand Palais (Paris, 1916)” by Paul Prévôt
- Military health service war memorial
- "Napoleon III visitant les blessés de Montebello" by Jules Rigo
- Pierre-François Percy's bust
- "Portrait du Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey" by Madeleine Benoist
- Prosthetic hand with interchangeable tools
- René Nicolas Dufriche Desgenettes' bust
- "Séance de vaccination antivariolique au Val-de-Grâce" by Alfred Touchemolin
- "Vaccination contre la typhoïde des jeunes reclutes" by Jean Larrivé
- Hôpital Saint-Louis with related items:
- Hôtel-Dieu de Paris with related items:
- Institut Pasteur with related items:
- Alexandre Yersin's medallion
- Alphonse Laveran's medallion
- Charles Chamberland's bust
- Edmond Nocard's bust
- Élie Metchnikoff monument and memorial tablet
- Elisabeth and Eugene Wollman bas-relief
- Emile Duclaux's bust
- Émile Roux's bust
- Émile Roux's monument
- Émile Roux's tomb
- Ioan Cantacuzino bas-relief
- Jacques-Joseph Grancher's bust
- Jean-Baptiste Jupille's monument
- Jules Bordet's medallion
- Louis Pasteur's bust by Naoum Aronson
- Louis Pasteur's Home-Museum
- Louis Pasteur's tomb
- Louis Thuillier's memorial tablet
- Jardin des Plantes with:
- Jérôme Lejeune's bas-relief in the Institut Jérôme Lejeune
- Montmartre Cemetery with:
- Montparnasse Cemetery with:
- Alexis Boyer's tomb
- Alphonse Laveran's tomb
- Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard's tomb
- Émile Littré's tomb
- Gustave Roussy
- Jacques Lisfranc's tomb
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's tomb (disappeared)
- Joseph Recamier's tomb
- Jules Baillarger's funeral monument
- Just Lucas-Championnière's tomb (disappeared)
- Mirko Dražen Grmek's tomb
- Mathieu Orfila's tomb
- Pierre Paul Broca's tomb
- Musée de l'Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (July 2014: closed for transfer. Reopening expected in 2016)
- Père-Lachaise Cemetery with:
- Alphonse Bertillon's tomb
- Antoine Augustin Parmentier's tomb
- Claude Bernard's tomb
- Dominique Jean and Hippolyte Larrey's tomb
- Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire's tomb
- François Magendie's tomb
- François-Vincent Raspail's tomb
- Guillaume Dupuytren's tomb
- Gustave Le Bon's tomb
- Jean-Louis Baudelocque's tomb
- Joseph Louis Gay Lussac's tomb
- Paul Tillaux's tomb
- Pierre Flourens' tomb
- Philippe Ricord's tomb
- Samuel Hahnemann's tomb
- Xavier Bichat tomb
- Stéphane Tarnier's monument (with his incubator)
- Université Paris Descartes with
- Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de Médecine (Bium)
- French Physicians memorial tablet
- Georges Cuvier statue
- Grand Hall with many medical busts and Felix Terrier's statue
- Jean Noël Hallé's bust
- "L'ambulance de la Comédie Française" (1891) by André Brouillet
- Mathieu Orfila's bust
- Musée d'Histoire de la Médecine with
- Claude Bernard's experimental platform
- Desormeaux's endoscope
- Duchenne de Boulogne electrostimulation device
- Édouard Brissaud's bust
- Émile Charles Achard's bust
- Etienne-Jules Marey's instruments and memories
- Hand prosthesis after Ambroise Paré (reconstruction)
- Inductors with Grenet battery for electrotherapy
- Jean Astruc's bust
- Jean Civiale's lithotrite
- Joseph-Marie-Jules-Parrot's bust
- Lucas-Championnière-type antiseptic steam sprayer
- Philippe Pinel demonstration skull
- Philippe Ricord's specula
- Pierre Adolphe Piorry's personal pleximeter
- Pierre Charles Édouard Potain's bust
- Pierre Joseph Desault's surgical saw
- Rene Laennec's original stethoscopes
- Pierre-Augustin Béclard's bust
- Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis' bust
- Pierre-Joseph Desault's bust
- "René Laennec"(1854) after Dubois
- René Laennec's false portrait
- Sigismond Jaccoud's memorial tablet
- "Transfusion de sang de chèvre" (1892) by Jules Adler
- "Un Leçon Clinique à la Salpêtrière" (1887) by André Brouillet
- Xavier Bichat's monument
- E.H.Ackerknecht, Medicine at the Paris Hospital 1794-1848, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore 1967
- N. Mclntyre, The medical statues of Paris, Vesalius, IV, 2 (1998), pp. 79 - 89