Important places related to the history of medicine and other health-related subjects in Philadelphia, United States. These places can be seen also on this Google Map.
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia with:
- Adam Kuhn's portrait
- Arthur K. Asbury's portrait
- "Benjamin Rush" by Adele von Helmbold
- Charles Lester Leonard's portrait
- "David Hayes Agnew" by Bernard Uhle
- George Bacon Wood's portrait
- George Washington Norris' portrait
- George William Norris' portrait
- Jacob Mendes Da Costa's portrait
- James Cornelius Wilson's bust
- John Ashhurst, Jr.'s portrait
- John Carson's portrait
- "John Heysham Gibbon" by Charles Hopkinson
- John Hunter's portrait
- John Morgan's portrait
- John Redman's portrait
- John Rhea Barton's bust
- Joseph G. Richardson's portrait
- Joseph Leidy's portrait
- Louis Adolphus Duhring's portrait
- Memorial Chimney Piece
- Nathaniel Chapman's bust
- Norris room fireplace
- Samuel B. Sturgis' portrait
- Samuel David Gross' bust
- Samuel Jackson's portrait
- "Silas Weir Mitchell" by Robert Vonnoh
- Silas Weir Mitchell's bust
- William Cullen's portrait
- William Fisher Norris' portrait
- William Harvey portrait
- William Henry Pancoast's bust
- William Thomson's lantern for the Detection of Color Blindness
- William Thomson's portrait
- William Williams Keen's portrait
- Christ Church Burial Ground with:
- Pennsylvania Hospital with:
- The Woodlands Cemetery with:
- University of Pennsylvania with: