The historical museum of Piana delle Orme1, near Latina, dedicates two huge pavilions to the clearance of the Pontine Marshes. The pavilions contains probably the biggest collection of memories of this longlasting social and economic undertaking which was strictly related to the sanitary struggle against malaria, from the last decades of 19th Century to the Thirties of the 20th.
In the Museum visitors can plunge into very accurate and realistic reconstructions of different phases of such a story: hidraulic reclamation, rural settlements, health and education services, the farming and the new towns, the new outbreak of malaria during and after the Second World War.
Special attention is paid to the important activity of malariologist Angelo Celli with his wife Anna Fraentzel.
See also the related item: State's Quinine samples
- Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#|, courtesy of the "Museo Piana delle Orme" (May 2010)
- Locate the item on this Google Map
- Alda Dalzini, The Promised Land. Brief history of the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, Museo Piana delle Orme, Latina 2005, pp. 149.