List of Countries » Italy » Catanzaro and its Province » Renato Dulbecco's house
This is Renato Dulbecco's home in Catanzaro (Vico I Bellavista). We can have a beautiful sight from this part of the town. As he said in his autobiographical work Scienza,vita e avventura: "I visited the place where I was born in my adult age: a small house with its Windows overlooking a narrow, dark alley, it was what my father's salary could afford. However, looking out of the window, we could see at the end of the alley the wide valley, surrounded by the sun and in the distance a flash of blue sea, a brilliant hope for my future. Perhaps it is the reason why I have loved the sea, the light during all my life".1.
• Photos by Mario Oliviero @ (January 2015)
• Locate this on this [ Google Map]
Io abito in questo palazzo voi sapete con certezza quale sia la casa se affacciava solo al vico oppure anche su bellavista?
E soprattutto a quale piano si trovava?