Robert Balthrope's funeral monument

This funeral bas-relief is all that remains of the old tomb of Robert Balthrope and can be seen inside the church of St Bartholomew the Less, at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Balthrope's memorial, along with other monuments, were preserved from the medieval church and reinstated during the rebuilding of architect Thomas Hardwick in 1823-51.

We can see "the kneeling figure of Robert Balthrope, sergeant-surgeon to Queen Elizabeth""2, with the following inscription: "Heere Robert Balthrope lyes intombd, to Elizabeth our Queene / Who sergeant of the surgeons sworne, neere thrtye yeeres hathe beene / He died at syxtie nine of yeeres. December's ninthe the daye / The yeere of Grace eight hundred twice, deductinge nine a waye / Let heere his rotten bones repose, till angell's trompet sounde / To warne the Worlde of present chaunge and raise the dead from grounde / VlVIT POST FUNERA VlRTUS".

  • Photos by ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#ihgroB acuL (July 2011), courtesy of Barts and The London NHS Archives.

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