The Royal Victoria Hospital, popularly known as The Royal Vic, has been the main hospital of Montreal (687 Pine Avenue) for over a century. Its first buildings were inaugurated on Tuesday, 5 December 18931.
"When it opened in 1893 The Royal Victoria Hospital consisted of three buildings clustered close together on the side of Mount Royal. The Main Administration Block and its Medical and Surgical Wings stood separately, joined only by covered bridges. (…) By the year 1993 the Royal Vic had expanded and spread out in all directions. Its total floor space in 1893 was 180,000 square feet (estimated figure); in 1993 the number of square feet had risen to 1,200,000"2.
Among the many important physicians and surgeons connected with the hospital we can name: Thomas Roddick, John McCrae and Jonathan Campbell Meakins.
The main Administration Block
Some details of the typical Scottish baronial style, chosen by British Architect, Henry Saxon Snell3
External views of some pavilions of the hospital
In 2015, the Royal Vic closed and transferred its activity at the new McGill University Health Centre's Glen Site.
- Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (July 2017)
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Related items:
- Neville Terry, The Royal Vic. The story of Montreal's Royal Victoria Hospital, 1894-1994, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal 1994, pp. 276