Salomon-Neumann Haus

Salomon-Neumann Haus is a building located in Berlin (Luisenstrasse 57). It is located between Campus Charité Mitte and Campus Nord of the Humboldt University and hosts the Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics.

It was built in 1840. Between 1879 and 1897 it was the headquarter of the Imperial Health Department, which at that time already performed tasks of public health protection, consumer protection and health environmental protection. The building was, so to speak, the founding center for public health in Germany1.


Robert Koch was employed here from 1880 on and discovered in this house the causative agent of tuberculosis, as remembered by a commemorative plaque on the facade.

In 2003, the building was named "Salomon Neumann House", in memory of Berlin physician Salomon Neumann a close associate of Rudolf Virchow and co-founder of social medicine in Germany2.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (August 2021)

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