Santa Maria della Misericordia's hospital (original site)
The original site of Santa Maria della Misericordia’s Hospital, in Perugia, was founded at the beginning of the XIV century as asylum in the current Via Oberdan, near an old Etruscan gate, where some architectonic elements still remember this ancient nosocomial service. During the centuries the Hospital survived thanks to legacies, donations, heritage of whole patrimonies. In 1911 it was relocated outside the city centre of Perugia in the old monastery of Monteluce.
- A particular of the Santa Maria della Misericordia's Hospital in Via Oberdan.
- Photos by Cosimo Salvatici moc.liamg|icitavlas.omisoc#| (January 2014)
- Locate the item on this Google Map
- AA.VV., Santa Maria della Misericordia, da Monteluce al Polo Unico Ospedaliero Universitario di Perugia, Quattroemme Editore, Perugia 2009