Sarah Parker Remond's home

As it is recorded in her biography, Sarah Parker Remond lived in Piazza Barberini 6, Rome, with her husband Lazzaro Pintor, from 1888 until her death. Nowadays their house serves as a tie shop1.


  • Photos and main text by Flaminia Ambrosini moc.liamg|89inisorbma.ainimalf#| and Alice Mingiacchi moc.liamg|sufurecila#| (December 2017)


  • Sirpa Salenius, An Abolitionist Abroad: Sarah Parker Remond in Cosmopolitan Europe, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst 2016
  • Nicholas Stanley-Price,"Honouring Sarah Parker Remond: an appeal", Friends of the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome, 2010, Newsletter No. 10, p.2
  • Nicholas Stanley-Price, "Finally, Sarah Parker Remond is commemorated!", Friends of the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome, 2014, Newsletter No. 26, p.4
  • Nicholas Stanley-Price, "Sarah Parker Remond in her family in Rome", Friends of the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome, 2017, Newsletter No. 38, p.2

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