The "Scuola Convitto per Infermiere Religiose" is a nursing school, located in the heart of Rome (Via di San Giovanni in Laterano, 588). Its story begins thanks to the will of Pope Pius VII and to the inspiration given by God to Princess Teresa Orsini Doria who was an example of serving and loving those who are sick and in difficulty.
On May 16, 1821, the Sisters of Mercy were introduced in the Arcispedale del SS. Salvatore for the direction of the service and the service itself to the infirms.
The nursing school, however, started unofficially its activities only in 1933 and was officially recognized as an institution with legal capacity on April 6, 1935.
See here, for more informations about the Scuola Convitto Professionale per Infermiere Religiose "Suore della Misericordia"
The mission of the founding sisters was to: train young nurses to become valid figures who work near to the doctor, always ready to make efforts where there is a pain to soothe, where there is an unfortunate to comfort, where someone must be respected until the last breath of life. The underlying theme of the training is based on teaching human and technical professional skills, and above all, ethics and morality, because every nurse is called by vocation to the service of the defense and promotion of human life.
This is the signboard of the school: it dates back to 1935, when the school was founded. It is located in the main entrance of the building.
These are the classrooms where nursing students receive their lessons.
In this picture you can see some of the tools used in the past and still used for the professional training offered by the school.
The following image shows the first register of the school that collects the names of the first students who have attended the lessons from the years 1933/1934 to the years 1963/1964.
This is a copy of the real tapestry situated at the Scala Santa in the immediate proximity to the San Giovanni in Laterano's Basilica.
- Photos and main text by Sergio Ruggiero ti.supmacla|oreiggur.oigres#| and Irene Marrone ti.supmacla|enorram.eneri#| (November 2014)
- Locate the item on this Google Maps
- M. Gandolfo, La formazione ieri ed oggi: il rispetto della dignità e della persona umana - Atti della celebrazione del 75° anno di fondazione 1933/2008, Luciani Editori, Roma 2008, pp.5-27