Shabbatai ben Abraham Donnolo's square

The square and the arch entry into the Jewish district of Oria (Piazza Donnolo) are dedicated to the Jewish physician, pharmacologist and astronomer Shabbatai ben Abraham Donnolo.


The plate was placed next to the arch in 1964. It was stolen in 2007 and then replaced with a new one:


The bass-relief, which was made by Bujar Arapi, was placed on the right of the arch on the 2 of May 2014. On it you can read, both in Italian and Hebrew: "SHABBATAI BEN ABRAHAM DONNOLO, IL MEDICO / LA CITTA' DI ORIA AL SUO ILLUSTRE CONCITTADINO / DONO DELL'ORDINE DEI FARMACISTI DELLA PROVINCIA DI BRINDISI". ("Shabbatai ben Abraham Donnolo, the physician / The city of Oria to its illustrious citizen / Gift from the order of pharmaceutical association of the province of Brindisi").

  • Photos and main text by Maria Valeria Giaccari moc.liamg|iraccaigairelav.m#| and Laura Buccolieri ti.orebil|ireiloccubarual#| (December 2016)


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