Some publications and websites with references to Himetop
- November 2020: "Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin OM, FRS (1910-1994)", Hektoen International. A Journal of Medical Humanities
- August 2020: Joseph Stuart, Rethinking the Enlightenment. Faith in the Age of Reason, Sophia Institute Press 2020, pp. 201 and 372
- September 2018: Mitsuo Ishida, Hormone Hunters, Kyoto University Press, Kyoto 2018, pp. 203 (new English version: here)
- October 2017: Gerald Hugo Rée, Louis Westenra Sambon. Pioneer of Tropical Medicine, Paradigm Print Media, Brisbane. 2017, p. 7
- May 2017: photo from Himetop in Jacqueline Remits, "Qui-est ce? Edouard Van Beneden", Athena, May 2017, n. 331, pp. 10-11
- October 2016: new link to Himetop in The Directory of Online Content of Medicine & the Muse Program by the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
- October 2016: photo from Himetop (Bartolomeo Eustachi's places) in Magdalena Mazurak, "Kolumbowie. Kardiologia w eponimach", MediPage, Warszawa 2016, pp. 313 [ref. to Himetop: pp. 282-288]
- August 2016: photo of Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis' bust on Christie's Sale Catalogue N. 12186 (New York 20 September 2016), p. 75
- June 2015: photos from Himetop in Lene Ipsen, Antikkens Hjerne. Antikkens tanker om sundhed og sygdom, Systime, Aahrus 2015, pp. 19 and 156 (in Danish)
- December 2014: reference to Himetop in MH Dominiczak, Clinician Teachers: Formulating an Intellectual Framework for Modern Medical Education, Clinical Chemistry, December 2014 vol. 60 no. 12 1596-1598
- September 2014: photos from Himetop section about the invention of CT Scanner (Godfrey Hounsfield at EMI) are displayed on a blog about Abbey Road Studios by Cristina Moreno
- July 2014: reference to Himetop images in Caterina van Genoa, Vuur van liefde (Ingeleid, vertaald en van commentaar voorzien door Hein Blommestijn Titus Brandsma Instituut Nijmegen), Discovery Books, Leeuwarden 2014
- February 2014: reference to Himetop images in Alexandra Mavrodi and George Paraskeva, Mondino de Luzzi: a luminous figure in the darkness of the Middle Ages, Croat Med J. Feb 2014; 55(1): 50–53
- 2013: reference to Himetop images in Raquel Gonçalves-Maia, Dos Raios-X a Estrutura Biomolecular, Editora Livraria da Fisica, Sao Paulo 2013, pp. 201
- July 2013: reference to Himetop images in Donald Lateiner, Barbara K. Gold, Judith Perkins, Roman Literature, Gender, and Reception, Routledge, 2013, pp. 348
- December 2012: BORGHI L., An early monumental tribute to Joseph Lister in Rome. in BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL (2012) Published on-line: 3 Dec 2012.
- 2012: Mitsuo Ishida, Hormone Hunters, Kyoto University Press, Kyoto 2012, pp. 272 (in Japanese)
- August 2010: some images from Himetop have been published in the article Tubbs RS, Mortazavi MM, Shoja MM, Loukas M, Cohen-Gadol AA., The bishop and anatomist Niels Stensen (1638-1686) and his contributions to our early understanding of the brain, Childs Nerv Syst. 2010 Aug 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- October 2009: An article about Himetop has been published in Social History of Medicine 2009; doi: 10.1093/shm/hkp051 Luca Borghi, Web 2.0: A Tool for the History of Medicine.
- February 2009: A review about Himetop has been published on Medical History (Journal of The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL), 2009 January; 53(1): 127–130. The review can be seen online at
- March 2008: a link to Himetop has been created in the The History of the Health Sciences Web Links page (, designed and maintained by Patricia E. Gallagher for the History of the Health Sciences Section of Medical Library Association.