The "Stabilimento Idroterapico and Splendid Park Hotel" in Varallo Sesia (via D'Adda, 33) was a fashionable hydrotherapic facility. It was inaugurated on Sunday 2 July 1893 on the initiative of Doctor Enrico Musso, surgeon of the Hospital of Varallo, and Mr Antonio De Toma. It offered a place to enjoy thermal baths and pure air, surrounded by a natural environment of great beauty. The Stabilimento used three sources of potable water for its services. It was surrounded by a big park and provided with a pool.
The Hotel could accommodate 80 clients in spacious and bright bedrooms. In 1895 the structure was enlarged due to the increase of foreigners.
The Stabilimento had great national and international success until the First World War when it started to accommodate in its rooms sick and wounded people. Later the hotel rooms were transformed into small apartments. Now it hosts the Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Alberghieri e della Ristorazione "G. Pastore".
The Splendid Park Hotel
The pool of the Stabilimento from which you can admire the Sacro Monte of Varallo Sesia.
- Photos by Jessica Casaccia ti.supmacinu|aiccasac.j#| (August 2021)
- Locate the item on this Google Map
- Orsi, Alessandro Splendid Park Hotel, Idea Editrice, Borgosesia 2003.