Inside the abandoned church of San Marco in the village of Vigorso di Budrio, near Bologna, an almost illegible marble tablet related to Antonio Maria Valsalva can be found in a right hand chapel.
The tablet remembers the last daughter of Valsalva, Maria Antonia, dead when she was just three years old, but makes also a reference to the fact that the great anatomist began his famous treatise De Aure Humana Tractatus while spending the holidays with his family in the surroundings: "MARIAE ANTONIAE / A. M. VALSALVAE ANAT. PRAESTANT. / FILIAE / ELENA LINIA MATER . PUELLAE DULCISSIMAE1/ V. A. III M. II D. VI H. XI / PAULUS ET SALESIUS VALERII ZANII COMITIS / V. CL FILIJ / PATERNAE ET SUAE CUM VALSALVA PATRE / QUI HOC IN PAGO OLIM RUSTICANS / INCOMPARABILIS AURIS ANATOMEN INCHOAVIT / CONSTANTISSIMAE NECESSITUDINIS MEMORES / L. D. L. M. / A. D. CIƆ IƆ CC XXV"2.
- Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (May 2011)
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- Leonardo Arrighi, Una lapide misteriosa ricorda Antonio Maria Valsalva, Budrio Welcome