Valsalva's De Aure memorial tablet

Inside the abandoned church of San Marco in the village of Vigorso di Budrio, near Bologna, an almost illegible marble tablet related to Antonio Maria Valsalva can be found in a right hand chapel.

The tablet remembers the last daughter of Valsalva, Maria Antonia, dead when she was just three years old, but makes also a reference to the fact that the great anatomist began his famous treatise De Aure Humana Tractatus while spending the holidays with his family in the surroundings: "MARIAE ANTONIAE / A. M. VALSALVAE ANAT. PRAESTANT. / FILIAE / ELENA LINIA MATER . PUELLAE DULCISSIMAE1/ V. A. III M. II D. VI H. XI / PAULUS ET SALESIUS VALERII ZANII COMITIS / V. CL FILIJ / PATERNAE ET SUAE CUM VALSALVA PATRE / QUI HOC IN PAGO OLIM RUSTICANS / INCOMPARABILIS AURIS ANATOMEN INCHOAVIT / CONSTANTISSIMAE NECESSITUDINIS MEMORES / L. D. L. M. / A. D. CIƆ IƆ CC XXV"2.

  • Photos by Luca Borghi ti.supmacinu|ihgrob.l#| (May 2011)


- Leonardo Arrighi, Una lapide misteriosa ricorda Antonio Maria Valsalva, Budrio Welcome

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