In 1895, while Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen was the Rector of the University of Wurzburg, the discovery which deserved him the first Nobel Prize for Physics took place.
Roentgen discovered X-rays in a little room of the Physical Institute of the University of Würzburg, "located on the Roentgenring close to the corner of the Koellikerstrasse. On the outside of the building there is a large plaque which reads as follows: In diesem hause / entdeckte / W.C.Rontgen / Im Jahre 1895 / Die nach ihm / Benannten / Strahlen" which in translation reads: 'In this building in the year 1895, W.C.Rontgen discovered the rays named after him'. The actual room where the discovery was made is still there […]. Permission to see it and other items of historical interest in the Physics Institute can be requested at the office. It is also possible to see the lecture room that Rontgen used. It is more or less the same as in his days. Of great interest also are three display cases containing some of Rontgen equipment, etc. Amongst other things exhibited here are: his Nobel Laureate Certificate; his hunting gun, with a very early photograph of the loading breech; an x-ray photograph of the hand of Professor G.[sic!] Koelliker (Professor of Anatomy), and another of his wife's hand; a commendation from the German Physics Society, signed by both Max Planck and Albert Einstein!"1.
- For Photos 1, 2, 3 go to the original images and discover the Author of these, photos 4, 5, 6 by Adrian Thomas.
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