William Harvey's bust (RCP)

This marble bust of William Harvey can be seen in the library of the Royal College of Physicians in London. It dates back to 1739 and was made on the initiative of Richard Mead. It is supposed to be by Scheemakers; it was presented by Dr. Mead, 1st October, 1739. When the College was in Warwick Lane, the bust was supported on a bracket which was inscribed: "Hanc Magni illius Gulielmi Harveii senis octogenarii imaginem, qui sanguinis circuitum primus monstravit, medicinamque rationalem, instituit, ad picturam archetypam, quam in suo servat museo, effictam, honoris causâ hic ponendam curavit Richardus Mead, Med. Reg. A.D. 1739"1.

  • Photo by Adrian Thomas (December 2015)

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